i am so brave!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i had to have a filling at the dentist today, and i didnt have the anaesthetic!

iv only ever had fillings done once before (a few years ago when my tooth crumbled, i needed about 5 or 6! :oops: ) and i had the anaesthetic injection to numb my gums- i HATED it! it was horrible, it felt like i had a big fat fuzzy cheek, chin and lips- and it felt like i was dribbling and gawping and i couldnt eat or drink coz i couldnt feel anything, and it lasted for hours! i like eating and drinking, and also wanted to be able to kiss my little baby!

so thought its worth the discomfort to not be stuck with a big fat fuzzy dribbly face for ages- and i think im ten men now iv had a baby anyway lol i thought it cant hurt as much as that ill be fine!

was still a bit nervous tho i was gripping the seat and screwing my eyes up in anticipation of some awful pain- but it never came! it hurt a little bit, but not like i was expecting at all! so in future i wont ever bother with the stupid anaesthetic that makes my face all big and fuzzy and dribbly! if anyone else hates having a numb face too, u dont need it honestly its not as painful as its reputed to be!
I had a filling with out anastetic before because the dentist said it wouldnt be near my nerve so it wouldnt hurt and the were FOOKING LYING :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
I will never do that again.

I wouldnt take it for granted that it wont hurt next time hun

But well done for being brave :clap: :hug:
omg you are one brave brave lady!!!
id need to be put to sleep for a filling next time
i had a massive panic attack after my last one....was to 'build my confidence' so id let her pull my 2 teeth out....yeah that worked well!! 6 weeks later im i the dental hopstial asleep lol.
never ever again am i being awake!
Yay you! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I quite like having a numbed mouth - it's wierd so I keep prodding or trying to drink glasses of water for experimental purposes :rotfl:
I never used to have the anasthetic when i had a filling due to me hating needles. i moved dentist and they wouldnt allow it!! The dentitian wouldnt do the filling without me having had the injction, so im guessing it must of been a big filling or dangerous or something..

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