i am finally getting lines!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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after doing SIX ovulation tests where there was no test line AT ALL not even the faintest one, today's and yesterday's have had 2 lines- the test lines have been fainter than the control lines which the instructions say is still negative. but its showing somethings changing!

the control line has been dark red, but the test line not even red, its pink.

is this normal, do u go from none at all to faint before u start getting positives? how many faint ones do y'all get before u get the positives? iv only got 2 tests left, and boyf goes away to london on monday so i dont need to do them then anyway.

they are the cheap home bargains ones (clear&simple)
I bought one on E-bay via Fertility Plan and got faint line on the first one, equally dark on the second one, darker than the control on the third, then nothing on the fourth. I started testing on the day I was supposed to test and it was very accurate as I got a BFP just two weeks after the LH surge. Good luck :cheer: :hug:
I think they are good really... they always detect my surge with two really dark lines. However, be aware that they can bring up the slightest of pink lines at any time during the month. I used one 2 days before AF was due to see if it would pick up a BFP (i had ran out of PG tests!!!) and there was a light pink line then. I have tested other times in the month and had the same faint pink line.

If you are trying to find a pattern as to when you ovulate then do an OPK every two days until the lines seem to be getting darker and then every day when they do. When they are not too far off from the colour of the control line then test twice a day. I normally test about 2pm and 9 or 10pm. Dont test with FMU.

If you note down the date you finally get the strong lines this month, then next month you can start testing with OPK's a bit closer to that date to save wasting them. I normally start testing from CD11 or CD12 but then i know i always more or less ovulate on CD14. I would suggest testing from CD7 if you have a 28 day cycle.

Hope this helps and good luck :hug:
thanx ladies :)

i dont know how long my cycles are yet as this is my first one. quite frustrating! but thats the point of this month i spose, i can jump straight into ttc knowing how long my cycle is next month :dance:

i am on CD18 :wall: used 8 tests so far!!! :lol: well i'm learning i am a late ovulater (is that a word? lol!)
I would imagine that as they detect the rise of LH then they would gradually get darker and darker to a point (your 'surge') and then tail off but having never used one I can't say.

Glad you're finally getting something though trix!

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