i am a hard-nosed girlf!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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my poor boyf is off sick today, he has that cold that me and milliepops are still recovering from. i do feel sorry for him, but probably not as much as he does!
i feel like a right b*tch coz im struggling to be sympathetic like i should be; i guess its coz when i was sick on tuesday (my temp was 39.2!) i had to just get on with it, look after milliepops and still clean up after myself, boyf, baby and cats- unlike him who got to stay in bed til 12, had me bringing him a drink and painkillers, then shuffle to his computer to play games. maybe im jealous! lol.
leave him to fend for himself hun, hes a big boy now :roll: :lol: :wink:
theres a huge difference between manflu and womanflu!

i was the same with manfluhead, no wonder we got the job of labour and delivery :roll:
My DF was the same! I had a stinking cold, terrible monthly pains plus my kidneys were killing me but I still had to look after Summer, do house work bla bla bla and basically I wasn't allowed to be ill but the moment he gets a cold he's 'too ill' to even make a cup of tea!!!
awwww give him a back rub and make him some soup you wicked woman! :lol:
He can't be that ill if he can play on his computer!
I was the same... when I had that flu bug I was ill for days... OH got it, took the day off work and slept all day (ALL day) and it cleared up quickly. Grr I don't get the luxury of a full day's kip!!
leave him to fend for himself, these men really do get it too easy
i agree leave him to fend for himself!! men think there lives are soo hard, as if !!!


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