HV just had me in floods of tears!


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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I haven't said much on here because i feel somehow responsible and guilty for whats been happening but Jacob is having some major behaviour problem. The HV has been visiting regularly and i have been keeping a diary for her of how things have been.

She came today to arrange a nursery place for Jacob (government funded) on a crisis basis. This is for 3 reasons, to give me a break from his constant squeeling, to have him supervised and get some extra stimulation, and so i can spend some more time with lucas as he is a little bit too placid.

She weighed both boys. Lucas is 12lb12 (25th centile, same as when he was born) but jacob is only 21lb7oz he has dropped from the 50th centile which he was on from birth till 9 months old (last time he was weighed) to the 9th centile. I knew he was skinny but i am shocked at how underweight he is.

The HV said its coz he never sits still. In all her years as a HV she has never seen such a hyper child :shock: Now this is how she made me cry.

She could see i was gutted about how things are going and she looked me in the eye and said i was a fantastic mother with infinate patience because she couldn't put up with jacobs screaming all day everyday and she doesn't know how i do. She said i do all the right techniques with dicipline and show both boys so much attention and love and that i deserve a medal :cry:

I was so overwhelmed because i thought it was all my fault and that i thought jacob was worse than he is and it was all in my head. But to have someone just recognise my daily struggles was such a relief.

No real point to this thread but i feel like i can talk about it now

Thanks for reading xx

and it sounds as if she has hit the nail right on the head! You are one fantastic MUMMY
:hug: I hope he gets a nursery place for you Hun x x x x
I'll miss him like mad, thats the daft thing. He drives me up the wall every day but i hate being away from him, stupid really xx
Totally understandable :hug: You need some time to step back and take a deep breath.. Even if that means a quiet long cuddle with Lucas, you do so much Toon, not just with the kids but keeping the house too :hug: You are a fab mummy and Jacob will be fine, nursery will be the making of him.. And instead of missing him just look forward to that first big smile and cuddle you will get from him when you get him from nursery.. Things can only get better chick, and you know we are always here xxxxxx
Toon, you are an incredibile mother! I hope Jakey gets a placement soon xx
Toon, you are a superstar hun. Take my hat off to you and your juggling skills :) xx
What a boost for you so you can carry on, it must be hard though I know my two squeal a fair amount especially Megan at one point it was awful, she'd be playing with a toy just crying LOUD for no reason but thankfully it's calm and I honestly felt like throwing my head off a wall so to get such feedback as a mother like that must have hit your heart.

:yay: for you x

I hope it gets easier for you :hug:
Oh Hun :hug: you're a fab mummy! You just have a little man with a tonne of energy! You know where I am :hug:

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