

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2006
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Anyone else feel hungry all the time?

For the last week or so I've felt absolutely starving in the morning.
Whan I wake up I feel nauseaus but starving at the same time :think:

I drink plenty of water and fruit juice and I eat well enough throughout the day. But I wake up constantly starving.

Is it normal?

Much hungrier than last week.

But I still find I'm getting full up really fast!

Oh and I have a tub of Carte D'or in the freezer and half a box of maltesers. I really want to eat them but I always seem to not have room!

Probably just as well! :D
im feeling the same, eating my cereal as im starving yet feeling sick at the same time, wierd feeling, but you eat coz you know you have to :think: also feeling really hungry but not finishing lunch or dinner...
It gets worse in third tri!!! I am like pac man, munching my way through everything :rotfl:
I was starving in a morning till week 7 was cooking beans on toast and alsorts for brecky...Then morning sickness hit just starting to get hungry again in the morning.

pre pregnancy I used to eat maiin meal at night now i am happy with just a sandwich or fish and veg can't eat a whole meal
I'm okay until I start eating...then I can;t stop!!! I'm starving now as had brekkie at 7.30am when I got into work, and haven;t had anything bar a cuppa to grab some lunch soon and then I know I will keep on eating until OH stops me! :rotfl:

Thing is all I wanna eat is junk food!
Same here, I keep craving really bad foods (especially McDonalds :roll: )
x-kirsty-x said:
Same here, I keep craving really bad foods (especially McDonalds :roll: )

I was just wondering where to go get lunch..........that would be very naughty! But think I might just.......I'll smile nicely at OH :angel:
im the same im waking up feeling starving hunger pains and everything then i eat but dont really want it just to take away the hunger feeling then it passes for a bit then its back again.glad its not just me lol
Same here, just cant stop eating......oh dam, i cant use been preggers as an excuse!!


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