hows everyone feeling?


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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hi girls! :D
how are you all? :dance:
im starting to feel really tired again! does anyone else? :|
how long has everyone else got in the second tri? :D
shell! x
i dont even know how im feeling..

it changes so

i have 2 weeks and 4 days left .. then im outta herrrrrreeeee !!!!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :dance: :dance: :dance:
im knackered constantly! even more so than in the first tri, im sleeping well but still feel i need more, oh well hopefuly it will pass soon :D
I'm an emotional wreck this week. Feel really irritable and tearful.
I've started to feel some movement though which is FANTASTIQUO!
i'm also kackered all the time.......... mind you I am on my feet for 9 hours at a time.........

good thing is though that I sleep really well, head hits th pillow and I'm a gonna
To be honest im not that tired really! It comes and goes in waves. In the first trimester it was hideous, I just couldnt keep my eyes open past 8pm. But im not so bad these days :)
I knackered and still can't eat propaly. I've been so tired today i feel dizzy and sick. I have days when i feel fine and i don't even feel pregnant but today i feel crap. Don't really sleep well at night cos i'm such a light sleeper everytime Aimee moves i jump up wide awake.
Anyone else keep going on spontaneous cleaning frenzies? Doing stuff you'd never normally do like windows, skirting boards, even the hamster got cleaned out and I NEVER do him!
Yeah i do! They don't last long though, prob why i'm so knackered. I spent the hour that Aimee was in bed earlier scrubbing the livingroom floor. Yesterday i moved all the kitchen round. I'm not really doing usefull things that need doing. Theres me on my hands and knees cleaning the floor and i haven't done any ironing for 2 weeks.
I'm not sleeping very well at all, but don't feel as tired as the first tri .I forget i'm pregnant a lot and then do too much and feel guilty :shakehead:
Very emotional though- just watched that 'losing it' with martin clunes and cried like 80% of the time :roll:
I am so tired, but the good news is I havent passed out since Sunday so it looking good :D
Yes my house is being cleaned from top to bottom, and this week decorating kitchen and getting new floor next week i hope is the living room finally :dance:
I was just feeling less tired when hubby dear brought a cold home from work so I'm sniffing all the time at the moment and resisting taking anything (apart from Vix inhaler so i can actually breathe)
i feel ok most of the time, when i do get tired when im on nights i feel quite nauseous again which isn't nice, but its not half as bad as it was in the first trimester, im generally ok if im in bed by 9pm most nights. :cheer: i love my bed :sleep:
The last few days I've not been as tired & my sex drive is coming back! (sorry tmi :oops: ) Ooh and vrey excited about my gradually increasing 'bump'

Second tri's going to be good to me hopefully (and OH by the looks of it...)

Still peeing a lot though.
so we are feeling pretty tired at times and its not just me!
hope everyone starts blooming soon
maybebaby said:
The last few days I've not been as tired & my sex drive is coming back! (sorry tmi :oops: ) Ooh and vrey excited about my gradually increasing 'bump'

Second tri's going to be good to me hopefully (and OH by the looks of it...)

Still peeing a lot though.

The peeing, that just gets worse hun!!
I'm always really tired, have been from day one really! At the mo i've got a tummy bug so everything i put in my mouth comes straight out (not puking - sorry :oops: ) I'm normally quite dizzy too as my job is standing up all day and my blood pressure has always been low since becoming pregnant. Been off work this week coz of this bug and for some reason i feel really guilty even though i am actually ill, don't know whether to go in 2morrow or not. As for sleep, :sleep: what's that? Haven't slept in weeks (not properly anyway), not really sure why as i'm so tired - it's really annoying. Apart from all that girls i feel fantastic, :lol: really excited about becoming a mum, love this LO so much!
Ooooh so you got the poos then babyjay?

My bowels are all over the place since becoming preggers one day im pooing all the time (like today sorry tmi lol) and others days nothing!!
It's horrible, some days are worse than others that's why i don't know whether to go to work or not coz i don't know what 2morrow's gonna bring!
You sure its a bug?? My bowels are like that most of the time, like I said it goes in waves.

Mind you I hate being out and having a loose tummy!!

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