Hows all the new mums getting on?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2010
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Seems ages since i had the chance to cacth up with everyone as we all seemed to have our babes so close together! Just wondered how everyone is getting on and how all the lovely new babies are?
Sarah is a true angel and sleeps really well. She has slotted in just perfectly into our family and is adored by her brother and sisters who have been stars at helping mum! I have had smiles already and she is generally very alert when awake. At two weeks she was 10lbs and is still pilling on the weight - sad news is i have had to put all the newborn clothes away already :( which made me a little sad as she is growing so fast and time is running away! I am of course very bias but she is sooooo beautiful and i am a very proud mum and have shown her off loads - she is probably going to be socialite as we have made trips out to different places most days including the cinema and swimming last week which she really enjoyed - i only took her out of the pool because she was cold she didn't make a sound.
Anyway enough about mine - how r all of yours?
So glad everythings going well at home! I wish I could take Paige out and show her off :(

As its my first Im on the big old learing curve of parent hood, but I must say, I think Ive got it quite easy lol. Im starting a little routine for her now to try encourage her to sleep through the night now as shes waking up for a feed around 3/4am and Id rather her go sleep later and wake up earlier and give me longer to sleep in one go lol. Im struggling with not being able to go out on my own though. C-section has meant I cant lift the pram bits or walk for too long without getting tired ect, so cant show her off much!!!

Can you believe our little newborns will be a month old next week?!?! I cant wait for the smiles to start. Shes starting to try to smile but only manages them when shes got wind at the moment lol. Not long and Ill be getting the real smiles too! :D
Ah I'm glad Sarah is doing so well, and Melio I can't believe Paige is nearly a month old, it seems like only yesterday that you were racking up all those overdue days!!

I think I'm slowly getting the hang of being a mummy, Cahal is feeding well, sleeping well (despite me typing this at almost 5am lol!) and I can almost feel a routine coming on which feels right for the both of us. I don't want to wish time away, and I know he's only 11 days old but I can't wait for the smiles to start either and am really looking forward to his personality starting to shine through!

I'm really really enjoying being a mummy I hope everyone else is too!
Nice thread :)

Annabelle was in a lovely routine of sleeping and feeding but last few days she seemed upset so today i took her to the docs and she has reflux. we have baby gaviscon now and alredy she seems a lot better so hopefully will be back to her content self.

people make such lovely comments about her when we are out and i love driving her to new places and have been walking the dog with her in her pram or in her sling loads. shes a month Monday and we are taking her away to my parents caravan tomorrow too :)
All good news - i always let them do their own routine till about 6 weeks and Sarah seems to settle at 9pm then wake at 12 which gives me chance to snooze and catch up on housework. She is every three hours at mo but does do a 4 hour stint between 3ish and 7 which is good - once they can fil there tums more they will be sleeping through. Hope you heal soon Melio must be hard work when your body has been through so much and yet you have so much lifting to do xx

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