How would you know if your breast fed baby has an upset tummy?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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I've been breastfeeding exclusively and getting on ok but the last two nights my baby boy has been really unsettled after feeds. He doesn't seem to have any wind to bring up but is wingey and fidgety as if he has a sore tummy. Last night he also had 4 explosive nappies in an hour but with a breastfed baby they are always 'wet'. Could it be something I've eaten? Altho I can't think of anything dodgy I've eaten a few chocolates and was right off chocolate while pregnant!
Not sure if its of much help Sarah but when I was BFing my daughter she wasn't getting enough milk from me & when she did feed she'd be getting into a right state trying to take the milk & was taking in too much air which was making her more windy. The problem went on for me & I turned to bottle but i'm sure if you speak to your mw she will be able to give you better advice.
Thanks littlemiss, Seeing mw again Monday as he's still jaundiced so I'll ask her then, he seems more settled during the day though, maybe tonight will be better! He is quite a greedy boy though maybe he had too much!
If he did "explosive" nappies it might be that he had some wind trapped in his guts - G used to have this when he was tiny and I remember waiting to hear him fart cos I knew he would settle not long after that.
He doesnt bring any wind up so maybe it's all just coming out the other end.
Could well be - I always struggled to get proper burps out of G but he was a bit of a farter!!! :) Has grown out of it now thankfully!

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