How will i know?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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I know Lucas is my 3rd baby and you'd think i'd have a clue but he is so different from my other 2 in almost every way.

By 4 months my other sons were having some baby rice through the day because they were starving!! Having full bottles every 2 hours, waking in the night and generally miserable. I think it got to that point because i was trying my best to get them to wait until they were 4 months old.

Basically i want to know how recognise when Lucas will be ready to try some solid foods without it getting to a desperate point. I am in no hurry what so ever to wean him and right now he seems as happy as can be but what should i look out for?

He's never had hungry baby milk and he only has 5 x 6oz bottles in 24 hours and he doesn't always drink it all. He sleeps all night from 10pm till 7am (10pm bottle being a dream feed) xx
Hmmm, just try from six months with some rusk or something :)

He sounds perfectly fine and like an absolute angel :love:
I am more than happy to wait till 6 months but i just wanna know what signs (if any) to look out for that might tell me he's getting ready.

I fancied a change with the tickers, i also changed my avitar for the first time since i joined PF :yay: xx
you'll just know when the time comes! K was on baby rice at 11 weeks (she was proper greedy!!) but i knew E was nowhere near it then! i tried her at about 18 weeks i think, but she wasnt fussed and seemed to still have the tongue thrust reflex thing so i left it a bit! tried her again just before she was 6 months, cant really remember why tbh i think it just seemed right! she seemed quite grizzly all the time etc! was a nightmare at first tho, i'd forgotten what a ballache weaning is :lol:
thats why i'm in no hurry lol Its a right pain in the ass innit! I just dont want him getting to that unbearable point the other 2 did xx
Jack weaned at 6 months and we BLW'd he just started to take an intrest in food when we were eating and he helped himself to my apple, so I steamed some carrot strips for him to hold and the rest is history

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