how will i know i'm in labour?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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sounds silly but i've never had a baby before.. everyone keeps saying "you'll know".... :shock: i know i'll be in pain but what if the pains aren't that bad... some people start dilating and don't even know!!! (arriving at the hospital and already a good 6 or 7cm) being pregnant i'm sort of used to the odd twinge and cramp down below... what if i think my contractions are just the normal twinges and ignore them.... i'm sitting here now with sharp pains down below and the feeling like i'm going to pee myself every time i get a sharp pain... :shock: can't even time them because they come between 10 to 30 seconds (contractions should come every few mins - shouldn't they?) yesterday i had hardly any twinges yet today i've got quite a few....

I dont think everyone knows, I didnt know for a good few hours that I was contracting. It was a lot further down than I expected and I thought it was a pee pee problem. If I dont go to the loo often just now it feels like the same pain but once I go the pain leaves but with labour it just kept coming in waves. I started to notice it more that night once I went to bed and realised that these pains were coming in a sort of sequence so I got up and then started timing them.

I never really felt the tightening across my tummy that some people get but my tummy was rock solid anyway.

Whats your bump like. Is it hard all over?
hi hunny ok i dont think you are in labour although the sharp pain like you feel your going to pee, i got that with colby and it was really uncomfortable i said to the midwife and she said it was the babys head getting engaged and when i was in labour it kepts comming when i was trying to push then it would go away again but colbys head kept coming so far down then would go back up again.

Mention it to your MW or if your really worried ring them and tell them what your feeling and they will advise you better.

Take care hunny and good luck
I would say the easiest way to know if it's labour or not is to time any twinges and see if they are regular.
Good luck!
Its really hard to describe. How I can explain it is - have you ever had colic or a really gripey feeling belly ache???? This is how it was for me. Go with the flow when you do go into labour and definetly breathe with each contraction, this gives you something to concentrate on and also helps you release endorphins.

thanks ladies... don't think i'm even close to gooing into labour.. those twinges and sharp pains have stopped the last hour... i'm just wishful thinking :pray: don't want to go over and don't want to be induced... trying to think positive... still have 10 days - anything can happen - right?

hayley said:
sounds silly but i've never had a baby before.. everyone keeps saying "you'll know".... :shock: i know i'll be in pain but what if the pains aren't that bad... some people start dilating and don't even know!!! (arriving at the hospital and already a good 6 or 7cm) being pregnant i'm sort of used to the odd twinge and cramp down below... what if i think my contractions are just the normal twinges and ignore them.... i'm sitting here now with sharp pains down below and the feeling like i'm going to pee myself every time i get a sharp pain... :shock: can't even time them because they come between 10 to 30 seconds (contractions should come every few mins - shouldn't they?) yesterday i had hardly any twinges yet today i've got quite a few....


you'll know Hayley :rotfl: you'll know!
that scares me.... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: it's going to hurt isn't it???????
hayley said:
that scares me.... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: it's going to hurt isn't it???????

Just like bad period pains, you'll be fine :hug: Stick your tens on, watch some tv to distract you and don't get to hospital too early (I'm sure that's why mine seemed bearable, I'd die if I'd got to hospital and they said I was 1cm dilated, so I waited til it got painful and was still sure I'd be sent home!) :)

I convinced myself it wasn't the real thing, just practice contractions.
It does hurt but its not like a pain when your ill, its like a pain with purpose because as the pain gets stronger you get more focused and nearer to the baby.
if it was so horrible and hurt real bad and you never forget the pain do u think i would have gone for seconds :rotfl:

its not as bad as you think hun best thing to do is relax and let your body do what it has to (i know its hard saying that but trust me i wish i relaxed more i think if i did i wouldnt had slightly tore)

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