How to tell family?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2010
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Hi All,

I'm new here having only just got my bfp yesterday. I'm so rubbish at keeping secrets and already told my best mate!!! Anyway, OH wants to wait until I have at least seen the midwife in a few weeks before we start to tell family. I just can't come up with the words to tell my Dad that his little girl is knocked up!!!
I'm also dreading having to tell him as my Mum died a year ago, this would have been her first grandchild so although I'm so happy to be pregnant I'm so sad that she's not here to help me through this and I know my dad will be sad too.

So how do I go about telling him??

That's a tough one hun. If you're not sure how he will react, I would start with, "we've got some news that we are really excited about and hope you will be too....." I was a bit surprised how little reaction I got from my parents (they are both thrilled) when I first told them so don't be surprised if it takes a while for it to sink in! I was expecting excitement straight away but they were a bit shocked and taken by surprise as noone knew that we were ttc straight away after getting married. Good luck x
i think u cud do wat she said ^^^^ cos thn at least he can b happy 4 u n have time to adjust congrats on your bfp!
Thanks Ladies, I guess I've got a few weeks to think about the best way to tell him as we're going to wait until after my first midwife appointment.

I know he'lll be happy for me, but it'll be bittersweet when I tell him. I don't like to see him upset so it'll be really difficult when I do tell him.

I agree with Jodie, break the news to him by saying you want him to be happy for you.
I dont think there is an easy way to tell anyone as you dont know how they are going to react.
Are you going to tell your Dad first? If you are let him know hes the first family member to know, he will respect that x x

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I'd like my Dad to be the first to know, especially since we've had such a crap year it'll be nice to have something good happen in the family.
first off congrats on your PFP! You never know this news might just be what your dad will give him something to positive to focus on and I'm sure your mum is looking down on you all and is really happy for you. I agree with mummy2Adam, if you tell him he's the first family member to know I'm he will really respect you for that and he will have plenty of time as well to adjust to the idea. Even if he is shocked at first he will come round. Good luck and let us know how it goes x
Congrats hun!!!!

I told my mum in a similar way to what Jodie suggested. Making sure she knew I was really happy and that I really wanted her to be too. Also helped that I've made her and my stepdad feel involved. I was terrified to tell her but she's delighted! I'm sure your Dad will be too :) Such happy news after the year you've had :hugs:

Good luck! :)

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