How to not obsess?!


Jun 11, 2018
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Hi all! :) I'm new to this forum and this is my first post. I have been with my partner (recently became my fiancé!) for 9 years now and very nearly completed renovating our house which has taken three years in total. I always said to myself then when the house was finished I really want to try for our first baby, but I always felt a bit anxious and like I was coming up with excuses to wait a while longer.

Well since getting engaged we both agreed we both want a little one more than anything, so we are going to start trying soon. I am currently on day two of my period and already TTC is on my mind all the time and I've constantly got that anxious/excited feeling! Naturally I'm quite an obsessive person and I know that if it doesn't happen for us straight away I'm going to become anxious and panicky. I already feel that way and we can't even TTC until my period is over!

I'm 27, my fiancé is 28, I have fairly regular cycles, usually around 30 days but sometimes give or take a couple of days. I have done ovulation sticks over the past few months to check I got an LH surge, which I did, and I even became obsessive doing those and got really anxious when the surge didn't arrive when I thought it would! I haven't tracked my basal temp though. I already know that I'll be symptom spotting like mad on this first month. I am so impatient and just want my period to hurry up and be over!

Does anybody have any tip or advice for a very anxious person on how to just go with the flow and enjoy TTC?!
Welcome to the forum :wave: I’m afraid you’re mostly joining like-minded people on here! Hence the two week wait threads and symptoms spotting threads. We are all as bad as each other lol. I hope your TTc journey is quick and that you can enjoy it :) x
Welcome I'm on first cycle to and I'm the same once I commit to something I'm all in so I'm lucky out first cycle has come in my busiest month so the only days I have time to obsess is the days I'm at home not doing much but I've like 7 days till testing now so it's getting abit harder as I got a test ready just incase af doesn't arrive and I'm so desperate to take it and see lol
Hi there. I took a break from ttc a while back as i was obsessing over it! I came off the pill and my cycle was everywhere and was informed by my gp that being stressed would do that anyway! Certainly did not help. I was taking ovulation test 2 to 3 times a day to catch my surge! I am now planning on ttc in the new year and not using ovulation tests for awile and try to let nature take its course. Will track my period and that will be it to start with it!

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