How the touring of the birthing centre went....


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Well it ended up with me in absolute floods of tears, having a mini panic attack and being completely overwhelmed by the whole experience and we were only there for 15 minutes and only ended up seeing one room after I decided I just couldn't cope :whistle: :roll:

I have decided that I am most definitely not ready about coming to terms with the whole idea of the baby actually being born and the process of labour and that I can live happily in denial for a few more weeks until it hits me a bit harder and I have to face it all. :lol:

Its not all so bad as the room did look lovely (not so appealing right now though I have to admit) and was clean and very modern so Im happy with baby being born there, just not the whole idea of baby actually coming out.

Midwifes said to go back in a few weeks but I think I may just leave it until the actual day if thats possible. :lol:
Gosh it must be really strange knowing next time your there will be birth!!

I think Im just trying to repress it all. Really not coping with the idea very well at all, I know I'll be fine with the whole labour as I do have quite a high pain threshold and Im not as mard about that type of thing.
I think its just;
1. Having a huge dislike for hospitals as it is and struggling to feel comfortable in them.
2. Not wanting to be made a fuss of by loads of midwives or his or my family (I feel like I want to be left on my own to go through it all).
3. Really being nowhere near ready for baby to arrive.
Hey hunnie.............sorry it didn't go so well...............quite a few girls at my nct classes were afraid of hospitals and really not wanting to give birth there........they were encouraged to really consider a home birth- does this appeal to you at all? It might help u feel better about the whole thing? xxxx
I don't think we will be able to have a home birth because it doesn't look like we are going to be in our own house and my mums or his really aren't suitable :(!

I think I just had an over emotional day. I'm going to try and go back on Wednesday on my own and soak it all in hopefully!
Thats a shame, still if u can go back maybe u will get more aclimatised to the environment and meet a few of the staff and try to put your mind at's so hard with all the hormones isn't it coz sometimes I feel fine, can be rational, keep perspective etc and then things will switch and I'll get in a state about it all! Bloomin' hormones! xx
oh hun dont panic, you will be fine and will come to terms with having your baby soon enough, and you will be ready! you still have a few weeks to go, so do a bit each week and when your LO decides to make an appearance you will be ready. in terms of being scared of hospitals, could you have a home birth? or if not, make sure you take things to help you relax, like your own pillows, music etc. and remember the midwives are there to help you relax, not panic you, so tell them how you feel and im sure they will be more than supportive.

good luck!

Sorry you had such a horrible time.

I had a pretty bad experience when I went on my hospital tour with my first, as we walked down the corridor filled with labour rooms, screams & shouts were coming out of lets just say 2 or 3 of the rooms, all of us were chalk white, my OH's face was a picture. I thought I was going to be sick when we went into some of the rooms with the high tec equipment but I managed it but kinda wished I hadn't done it either.

If I was you, i'd just not bother with the tour, after all, whats the point in it anyway, esp if it is giving you added anxiety.

When you go into labour your mind will be too busy to be worrying about baby coming rather than about actually going to a hospital as you'll probably be desperate to get checked over. And when you've actually given birth you'll be too busy looking at your gorgeous baby to be worrying about the hospital either.


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