How often...

Fingers crossed

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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...would you BD before OV. Every other days (my idea) or every day (OH's idea :roll: ). He says surly there's a better chance if we BD every day, but I say his stocks need to be replenished properly. Which would you do?
I think they say that everyday is fine as long as you don't have a male factor problem i.e. low sperm count, in which case they advise every other day to allow stocks to be replenished!
DH and I BD'd every other day for a few months then in Dec we BD'd every day and got BFP :cheer:
I'd say every other day hun. Rob & I BD'd every day around OV for 3 mths trying to conceive Jordan and then on the month we didn't I got my BFP.
We dont really stick to a pattern but its usually every other day, although this month was every day. I voted for every other day though.

I have read a few times that every other day gives the stock time to replenish (great way of putting it FC lol) which kinda makes sense, but we agreed we would never get too hung up on timing as we have a great sex life and dont want it to change into something we have to do, if that makes sense.
To be honest hunni for the past 2 months me and the Fiancee have BD every Day from Day 1 (Yes you need a towel so not to make a mess!) until I start getting positive OPKs then we reduce it to every 2nd day so we are getting mature sperm, after I stop getting positive OPKS we go back to every day.

Mainly because your suppose to have sperm sitting there awaiting your fertile period!!! Your egg can release at any point during your fertile 5 days.... so I take no chances..... sperm can last inside you from 3-5days.... at least if your BDing every day until your fertile 5 days there is plenty of sperm in there..... of course this sperm is not always going to be the maturest.... It takes 36 hours for sperm to mature and this is the best sperm eg motability wise there is.

All the best hunni x
We BD every other day but this month im not taking no chances its gonna be every day

Well you've made my mind up for me, and it'll be tonight, even though we BD last night and the night before, then Saturday morning, sunday night and monday night just in case. Thanks for your input ladies :hug:
we =ve tried every day , but aim for every other , at mo neither of us have a really high sex drive :cry:
Aaww Gem :hug: , have you tried a little 'spice' if you know what I mean :wink: . Before I went on the clomid I couldn't be bothered either cos I knew I wasn't Ovulating so I didn't see the point, my libido has now returned full throttle.

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