How Often Does Your Hubby Go Out at This Stage?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi Girls,

Just a quick question - how often is your hubby going out? Mine goes out on a Thursday and a Saturday night - only over the local. If he stays in, he really resents it and is in a bad mood.

Anyone else in the same boat?

Julia xx
Mine goes out wednesday nights but he does get a bit tetchy if he dont go out, i never stop him though but i think i might say dont go to far nearer the babys due date lol :D
OH has got alot better now im getting futher on :)
Mine never goes out! He used to be out alot but now hes in most of the time!
we both go out pretty much every night. only to the local, for a couple of hours. he doesn't really get drunk though. we don't live together so i think he gets drunk (on his own! haha) when he goes home some nights.
A good few nights he went out, still does. He was out the night I was in labour (but then so was I for a bit!) Bubs waited till daddy was home (3am!!!) before breaking my waters and then making an apperance! Good DS :clap: !!

We both go out a fair bit still, but DS is in bed at half 6, and dont wake til the morning, so its not like either of us need eachothers help for anything etc, just someone to sit in the house while little man sleeps!
He pops to see his mum on a tuesday evening and goes to see his best mate once or twice a week but usually in the late afternoon and always home by 8pm - feelin dead lucky really - would do my nut in if he was goin out to the pub n stuff - he a very occasional drinker though :)
He doesn't really go out much anyway (neither of us do) so not a lot. He does have a few beers at home at the weekend though. Last time asked him not to have more than 1 from a week before my due date just in case he ended up needing to drive. The way I see it I haven't drunk any alcohol for 40 weeks, he can manage 2 or 3! He had no problem doing that anyway, he wouldn't have wanted to miss the birth because he'd had too much to drink.
Mine still pops out to see his mates or his dad but ive asked him not to drink now (just incase.. as we live a way away from where he is going)

Im trying to get him to make the most of it at the moment cos when LO is here he will need to be helping me out!

Claire x
mine goes to work and then college every other weekend but other than that not at all but then he never has.
Mine never 'go's out' without me - (he says it's no fun without me there!... awww sweet)

He does however rehearse with his band every Monday & Wednesday night - thats his male socialising time. He also has a couple of gigs leading up to Christmas. He has one in London next week (we're in Manchester) so he's going to be far away!
He's cancelled everything from new year onwards until baby is born so that he can be with me, he's self employed too so he will be with me all the time!
my OH was terrbile at first, he went out every weekend without fail till 3/4am.. the only thing that stopped him was not being paid,

then he had a good patch where he went out maybe one a fortnight..

then about about 6weeks ago he started going out twice a weekend again, thing was (i was picking him up at these silly hours in morning when he wanted to come home)

then resently hes been good again.. staying in (probably because not had money lol)

then he had his last night out on Fri, didnt return home till 5AM!! lol.. but ididnt mind because i knopw now he'll stay in at weekends with me..

i dont mind him going to the pub on a friday after work till late evening, just hated those really late nights not knowing when hed return..

hes a lads lad, but hes relaised his new posistion as Daddy now..

if your unhappy with partner going out etc.. honestly just set the law down hehe... doesnt always work :oops: but make them realise xxx
Thanks for your replies!

He does realise he needs to cut down from twice a week, and says he will. We will wait and see. He is in agreement to having friends over for the evening for a drink so maybe that is the way forward BUT I know they would be all itching to go over the local and leave us wives in with the kids!!

When he goes out, he is usually in by 12.00 to 12.30 and the pub he goes to is usually dead. I think it is a man's thing.

CAN'T WAIT UNTIL I CAN GO OUT AGAIN!!!!!!!! Roll on 3 weeks!!

Julia xxxxxxxxxxx
He doesnt, he plays football on Wednesday nights other than that not at all.

I dont think either of us would go drinking without the other, we like each others company to much.

He is great btw
Mine never goes out without me. He prefers to take me along everywhere...but also expects it from me which can be annoying. :wall:
lea m said:
Mine never goes out! He used to be out alot but now hes in most of the time!
Lol just re-read that and it sounds like he was always out in the pub lol!
My OH doesnt drink! In the 10 years we have been together I have seen him get tipsy 5 times max! But he did used to go to his brothers alot so would be out there at nights alot! Now he never goes anywhere or we go together! Sometimes I feel a bit bad for him as he made a massive change to the way he led his whole life when we got back together after a split last year but hes happy and better off for it so I shouldnt really!
emmie said:
Mine goes out wednesday nights but he does get a bit tetchy if he dont go out, i never stop him though but i think i might say dont go to far nearer the babys due date lol :D

Mine always used to go out on Wednesday nights too from about 7 til midnight.. (band practice then drinks).

If he wanted another night out I'd ask him to keep his phone on but secretly be a bit miffed that I was stuck in on my own again.. suggest you go out for a meal together if he feels like he's stuck in the house? X
My husband doesn't really have set nights for going out or anything, he'll go an play poker in his mates on Sundays every so often and goes the match or to gigs without me but it doesn't bother me at all.

Today he's gone to the Liverpool/Chelsea match in London then he's going to his mates to play poker. I'm going the pictures with my sister (not cos he's not here, just cos we want to go the pictures) but I'll go out when I want and he'll go out when he wants then we'll go out together (we're going to a gig tomorrow for example).

I think I'd be annoyed if he was going out every night but he's cut down on the matches he's gone to recently and bought all the nursery furniture, the carpets and paid for the decorating so I would never begrudge him going to the odd match.
Mines been out twice since I got pg (admittly he WAS in Iraq for 2 months of it lol), but as we havent seen eachother a lot, and he is now only home on weekends, he would prefer to stay in with bump and me, gawd bless him :D
we used to go out loads together at least once a week, and he would have a night with boys once a week too... it carried on like that until I was about 7mths then I cut down and so did he to once a week. As dd approached he started driving so he wouldnt drink but still went out. Now he goes out once a week (although some weeks not at all) which I dont mind tbh.. he gets tetchy if he doesnt have his lads time and tbh I like the peace!

COmpared to the party animal this is amazing... i prefer him to go out cos if he doesnt he gets crabby. Our real problem is getting out together... we dont have many babysitting options so its an overnighter with the grandparents if we go out and I dont like doing that too much cos I'm back at work and we both savour the time with LO

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