How Often Does Your Bottle Fed Baby Poo


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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As the title says really, just wondering how often your baby poo's / how often bottle fed babies should go? Thanks! x
She always goes at least once a day and sometimes twice.
Oh Finlay is often :lol:

Always in the morning when he get him out his cot. The normally 2 more times, sometimes again before bed :lol:
Used to be once when on just milk. Now that she's eating all sorts of funky foods about 462 times a day :lol:
:( So its definitely not good that Jack has a poo probably every 2/ 3days.. we think he might have stomach ache alot so were taking him to the doctors in the morning, do you think he could be constipated? His on an Easy Digest Milk as he was terribly upset on the First Milk. x
Try him with some cooled boiled water. Bottle fed babies can get constipated
MissyRee said:
:( So its definitely not good that Jack has a poo probably every 2/ 3days.. we think he might have stomach ache alot so were taking him to the doctors in the morning, do you think he could be constipated? His on an Easy Digest Milk as he was terribly upset on the First Milk. x

Sorry if it's TMI but when he does go is his poo really hard? If it's not then I wouldn't worry too much. Either way, like Bee says water should help. Good idea to go to the docs for reassurance though :hug:
Sam used to go once or twice a day when on Hipp Organic, but now he's back on Aptimal it can vary between once a day to once every 2/3 days. when he goes it's still quite soft though, so like daftscotlass says, unless the poo is hard, then he's not constipated. Sam has a a few oz of cooled boiled water between his 2.30 and 6pm feed.

Lisa xx
Thanks for all your replies everyone! Will let ya no what the doctor says :) x
When my little one was a baby she would go 2 a day. If she had the squits, it would be lots of times a day!!!
Sam goes every other day, I've tried everything with him but I think he just naturally goes every other day.
Well the doctor said to give him cooled boiled water to help (we do anyway) and to use a fingertip and rub his anus to stimulate his bum into wanting a poo :| to which my OH said to me that will be my job.. typical man! :roll:
Jack did eventually have a poo today *thank goodness* as he hadnt been since weds, the doctor also felt Jacks stomach and listened but said everything was fine so that was a relief as my OH has had many stomach problems due to Colitus since he was young and had to have operations etc so we were feeling extra on edge just incase it was something more serious.

We also took the opportunity to ask about his terrible crying lately that he does a few times a day it sounds like his in pain and his face goes red/ purple and he just looks really upset but we try everything and nothing helps... he said its Colic, we did think he had Colic but its recently got alot worse over the last week or so, he has given us some Infacol for that. We're just :pray: hoping it works as it really wears me out and upsets me when he gets like that :(
Thanks for all your helps ladies :hug: x
It varies now.

It used to be everyday and although it still normally is she has be known to go a day without one.
She can go as many times as three in one day and the texture changes a lot to :think:
Normally every other day but sometimes he won't go for 3 days then will have one or two massive poos to make up for it :lol:
daftscotslass said:
Used to be once when on just milk. Now that she's eating all sorts of funky foods about 462 times a day :lol:

Takes note "start weaning at 18!" lol!

about 1-2 times a day sometimes non...

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