How Much?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
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How much can you expect to pay to carpet a lounge? I was just wondering as my new house had laminate and we have laminate here and really wanted to go back to a nice oatmealy type carpet so that Thomas can play on it! I would really like cream but with two dogs and a baby on the way don't think it is the best idea I ever had!!!!
no idea. carpets are cheaper now tho coz everyone wants that wooden flooring now.
I hope they are not too expensive, P will be most annoyed when I start bugging him for a new one! I bugged him loads to put the laminate floor down a couple of years ago! And you know as soon as I get carpet in the new house I will want to go back to wood again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Same here, we used to have a cream carpet and it got dirty too easily so we got laminate instead.

Now I hate it cos I have to sweep it every 2 minutes, I want a nice thick carpet for when the baby comes.

I suppose the price depends on the quality, obviosuly the better the carpet the more you'll have to pay.
i used to have a cream carpet in my old lounge but with a black labrador and 2 children it was a nightmare.

We now have creamy, biscuity on the top two floors of the house but downstairs now we have wooden floor boards and stone tiles in the kitchen.

So much easier to keep clean! :D

Oh and we have nice big creamy coloured rugs for the cosy effect on the wood!

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