How much weight should I be putting on?


Active Member
Dec 27, 2010
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Hi everyone

I lost half a stone in the first 12 weeks of my pregnancy and since then have only put 3 pounds of it back on. I am 18 weeks now and wondering how much weight I should have ideally put on by now?

I am still struggling with food... finding it hard to stomach a lot of things so actually don't think I am getting enough which is probably why I am not putting weight on yet. I have tried to discuss this with my midwife but she is not helpful at all (see earlier post!) but I'm worried I'm not getting enough nutrients to my baby.

Thanks! x
Try not to worry you dont have to eat loads for Baby to be ok it takes everything it needs from whatever you can manage to eat. There are no rules over how much you should gain but its only in tri 3 that you need to slightly increase your calorie intake
By week 20, I had only put on 6lbs.

However, there was then xmas, and I started to give into everyones advice of 'at least you can eat what you want', and now I have put on 2 stone, 4lbs! It just came on really suddenly, and I didnt even feel like I have put on that much weight, so it will happen - unfortunatly!
Looking at my pregnancy book it says- In a normal pregnancy there is little gain in the first tri. Most women then gain about 0.7-1kg a week untill the last 1or 2 weeks when little further weight gain occurs.
Help.....Ive put on just over a stone at 20
I'm not even looking at how much i have put on. So far the midwife hasn't checked either. I don't think it matters so much now. I think read in my book thing that If you put on a lot of weight over a very short period of time towards the end of your pregnancy that can mean problems but apart from that if you feel fine then everything is ok :).
I would take a guess that at almost 25 weeks I've put on about 6 pounds but I know my belly is getting bigger and think my weight gain will get bigger too xx
ive put on just under 2 stone at 26 weeks. whoopsy!
Lol saying that I haven't weighed myself! I'm probably more nearer a stone now haha
I've put on 10lbs at 20 weeks which I'm happy enough with; my preggo book says from Tri2 that it's normal to put on up to 1lb-2lb per week until about week 36 x
Hey. i was wondering this too! Ive been quite sick and still being sick in the mornings now. I lost about half a stone during tri 1 as i just couldnt eat alot but im slowly putting it back on now as my bump is growing. Think im at the weight i was before now, i could afford to loose a few pounds anyway hehe!

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