Just wondering how much I should feel my baby moving at this stage... for a couple of days last week it seemed constant and quite strong kicks, yet this week I have only felt movement now and again ...... it is beginning to worry me slightly...
the only thing I can think is this week I have been running about like mad all week and maybe missed it (if that makes sence) but even at night when lying still there hasn't been much.
Checked my doppler this am and there is still a nice strong heartbeat there......... oh I just want this baby to be born !!!!!!!!!!
the only thing I can think is this week I have been running about like mad all week and maybe missed it (if that makes sence) but even at night when lying still there hasn't been much.
Checked my doppler this am and there is still a nice strong heartbeat there......... oh I just want this baby to be born !!!!!!!!!!