How much milk your baby have/had at 1 month?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Hello ladies!

Every time (apart from 1 night feed) I breastfeed Daniel for about 30-40 minutes alltogether and then give him bottle. And he has about 115-140 mls each time. :)

I am just wondering, is this normal, or is he a hungry baby? :D

Thanks all :D
Ryan was on between 100 and 120 on the occasions I used a bottle but is now up to 160 :shock:

LOL It only takes him about 20 minutes the big lardy ass he is LOL

He was putting on about a pound a week and has now evened out to just over half a pound a week... which is apparently a lot. So maybe both our babies are extra hungry!
I've just re read... he has 30-40 minutes boob and *then* bottle? :shock: jesus... :shock:


As above, Ryan would have about 100 - 120 of bottle and that takes him about 20 minutes but that's purely a bottle.

Purely breastfeeding he takes about 20 minutes also.

It's only very occasionally I have had to top him up on bottle after a breastfeed.

Wow, he must be weighing in quite well when the health visitor comes over?
For stephen he was on a 5oz bottle and had that evry 2 hours!
im sorry i cant help u, millies never had milk from a bottle so iv not a clue how much she eats! :lol:
Shell: :D lol Seems he is quite a hungry baby! :rotfl:
But strangely he doesnt put on more weight than any other baby.
im sorry i cant help u, millies never had milk from a bottle so iv not a clue how much she eats! :lol:
Shell: :D lol Seems he is quite a hungry baby! :rotfl:
But strangely he doesnt put on more weight than any other baby.

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