how much food should i give her?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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now ive started to give baby food once or twice a day, how much should i feed her ?

sometimes she just takes a little then seems uninterested which is fine, but other times she'll be holding her mouth open for more and more and more...then suddenly starts screaming! which i dont know if that means she ate too much or is still hungry!
depends how long she has been having food. I would be inclined not to give her too much and give her a boob feed or bottle after. Once she's used to having solids then you can increase the amount at each feed. Green bean has a huge bowl full at each meal time now. Plus another big bowl for pudding! I just keep shovelling it in until he turns his head away and shuts his mouth, otherwise i get screamed at!
I started Finlay on a few spponfuls but now he has 3 milk scoops full of cereal powder mixed with his milk for breakfast and for dinner he has 1 or 2 cubes of frozen mashed veg and 2 scoops of cereal powder with his milk

I just increase it slowly
I find that Emms starts crying sometimes when she has had enough. I was told by HV that go with how much the baby seems to want - they will indicate if they want more etc. I have just been offering Emsm quite a lot and she naturally seems to turn away or cry if she has had enough. When she wants more she makes a funny noise like she's enjoying it and goes towards the bowl!!
Ive been giving ryan food at dinner time since he was about 4 months old, i started off with a few spoons and now he has a whole bowl full. I started giving him 2 meals a day just over a week ago and he was gagging and throwing up as it was to much for him so he only has one big meal a day and he's 6 and a half months so i wouldnt give her to much to soon unless she needs it

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