Just wondering how many of your pregnancies were planned and how many were, well happy accidents?
All of mine were not planned so to speak ...
The first I was on the pill - didnt miss any or be sick or anything so dont know what happened there.
The second I was having trouble with the pill I was on so doc switched me to anoher one, told me to run the two packs together without a break and I would be fine - well I wasnt!!! Turns out after speaking to a friend which is a pharmacist you are supposed to use additional protection for the 7 days which the doc neglected to say.
The third well was our own fault really, was still breast feedng second, periods hadnt started again and we well were not careful enough really.
This time well had a merina coil for 5 years had it pulled out, thought would let natural homrmones kick in for a while as have been either on pill, pregnant or merina coil since i was 17 so thought would have a break and let natural hormones stablise things, supposed to be good and use a "welly" but one slip up so to speak without the raincoat and well was pregnat again 2 months later after getting the merina pulled! They did say t would take up to 6 months for normal cycles to kick in but I guess for me it was a lot quicker!!!
Hubby is now making noise about the old snip but has yet to book the appointment!!!
All of mine were not planned so to speak ...
The first I was on the pill - didnt miss any or be sick or anything so dont know what happened there.
The second I was having trouble with the pill I was on so doc switched me to anoher one, told me to run the two packs together without a break and I would be fine - well I wasnt!!! Turns out after speaking to a friend which is a pharmacist you are supposed to use additional protection for the 7 days which the doc neglected to say.
The third well was our own fault really, was still breast feedng second, periods hadnt started again and we well were not careful enough really.
This time well had a merina coil for 5 years had it pulled out, thought would let natural homrmones kick in for a while as have been either on pill, pregnant or merina coil since i was 17 so thought would have a break and let natural hormones stablise things, supposed to be good and use a "welly" but one slip up so to speak without the raincoat and well was pregnat again 2 months later after getting the merina pulled! They did say t would take up to 6 months for normal cycles to kick in but I guess for me it was a lot quicker!!!
Hubby is now making noise about the old snip but has yet to book the appointment!!!