How many of you dyed your hair?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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Im so desperate to dye it. I have jet black hair and the grey is very noticeable. My mw said theres absolutely no evidence to suggest its dangerous but im still very iffy about doing it.
I've done it :) i was 30 weeks when i had mine done at the hairdressers.. baby was born totally fine :)

i did it twice while pregnant too.
once about 17weeks and then at 37
I did throughout pregnancy. My Brother in law is a hairdresser and he says theres more chemicals in some shampoos nowadays!
I dyed mine a few times when pregnant with my others!
the only reason they say not to dye your hair when your pregnant is, the hormones can make your hair go a different colour.. I've done mine loads... dont worry, and just dye it...xx
Great thanks everyone! I think i'll wait a few more weeks tho just to be extra safe :-)
Had mine highlighted... hairdresser was pretty confident that dye wouldnt effect the baby, rather 1st trimester hormones effect the dye :)
my hairdresser told me it's safe to do, but sometimes your hair can reject the dye, and it just doesn't take.
i haven't though, i'm not scared or anything just thought i'd do my hair a favour and stop dying it for 9 months!
i had highlights- i asked at the salon about it and they said highlights is safest as its not near the scalp- full head is *more* risky altho exact risks have not been proven- the only thing to DEFINATELY AVOID IN PREGNANCY is HENNA DYE. idk why but dont use henna!

i first had my highlights done i mustve been about 3 weeks pregnant lol i had no idea- i had jet black (dyed) hair and wanted to go blonde- this had to be done gradually with highlights! i carried on getting them done and the last time i think i was 7 months pregnant. i didnt end up going completely blonde tho, after i knew i was having a baby i decided it would be too high maintenance!

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