How Many Nappies? (Ebay time sensitive :P)


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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How long do they use newborn nappies for? Would 12 packs be too many? Ive spotted a bulk lot on ebay Lol
12 packs sounds good my kids went through 15 nappies a day didn't stop and if you don't use all of them but u prob will you can sell them x

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I think I've got about 150 size 1 and 300 size 2 nappies! Your need loads so sounds good getting them in bulk buy!!
put me to shame LM i have 1 pack of size 2 lol gonna defo stock up when they have sales and stuff!! x
I have two packs of.. I dont know what size LOL took em out of the wrapper and now im confused and just bought 100 of size 2. Didnt buy the bulk thing on ebay.. didnt see the shipping cost before, ridiculous! asda is better :p
I didn't use that many size one nappies with any of mine. 4/5 packs tops! Size 2 I used a canny few of but it's size 3 I seem to be stuck with for ages. Lucas is nearly 6 months and in size 3 xx
I brought a packet every week when I did my food shop!! I've got about 150 size 3's too!! My cupboards full of nappies and 15 packets of wet wipes lol oh and 7 big tins of milk!!
:lol: cotton wool is cheap tho 2 bags for £1 in asda xx in the beauty bit if u get the one that says "baby" on it it's £2 for 2 bags?!?!? Lol!!! And the beauty bag have like 110 in each and the baby ones it like 90 in each lol!!

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Ah ha! Just added cotton balls and baby toiletries to my asda online order, TY for that evie Lol
ok so i also added the entire johnsons baby range.. i shouldnt be allowed large sums of money LOL

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