How long?


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2014
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Hi ladies,

Last month I has a miscarriage. My cycles pre this were always 28 days, going by the 28 days, AF should have arrived 4 days ago. How long did it take for your periods to return? I don't want to take a test because I know it will be negative and I will be heartbroken.

Hi firstly I'm sorry for you loss. It depends on how far along ou were when you had your mc and still then everyone is different. Have you been ttc since your mc? I don't want to get your hopes up but I started ttc straight after my mc and fell pregnant straight away without a af between. Could be just your body re adjusting or good news. Good luck x x x
Hey, unfortunately there is no set time that everyone has after a mc. Some can get their af straight away and others can be a good while that their bodies take to get back to normal. If you are really wanting to know either way then unfortunately taking a test is the sure fire way of knowing. Only if your hcg levels were back down after your mc too. Xxx
Hello, really sorry for your loss, and I hope you're ok?

With mine my period was a week late, but that isn't true for everyone, some can come early and some very late, I know this isn't very helpful, I'm sorry.
Unfortunately there is no set rule, my AF arrived 30 days after my mc, which is my usual cycle length. If you have been ttc, I would take a test, if not then it's just a waiting game :(
As above really, varies a lot. I was very frustrated as it took over two months for me but most I think don't have to wait that long. Fingers crossed for you.
Hi, sorry to hear your news. As the ladies above say there is huge variety of dates for your period to return, mine didn't and I had to have a bleed induced after our mc. I'm now on my first natural cycle since the induced cycle and mc and it took 37 days after the induced bleed. Hoping they will gradually get more normal!
It's different for every mc hun :( with my first 2 period showed up 30 days later (normal length), my 3rd was 50-60 days and my last one was 36.

Its weird because the furthest i was along didn't affect my cycle but the last 2 were in the 6th week but it took longer.

Hope you're ok and it shows up soon xxx
Hi Hun, hope you're doing ok? Weirdly my af arrived 28 days from the day I miscarried and my normal cycle is 30 days! They told me to count from when the bleeding stopped so mine was early. I'm just hoping that everything is normal now and I don't have wacky cycles! Xx
Thank you everyone. I was kind of hoping it would be a text book sort of answer :(. AF still hasn't arrived so I shall do a test in the morning. We haven't been trying as I have to have an operation next month for endometriosis and the specialist told me not to conceive before it xx

I'm sorry for all your losses, it's truly an awful experience to go through. Your all so brave going through more than one xxxx

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