How long was your hospital stay?


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2017
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Hi ladies,

I just wondered how long you all stayed in hospital following the birth?

A friend had her 2nd baby a couple of weeks ago and was allowed home after 7 hours but lay my Antenatal class, she said to pack for a couple of nights stay! So I’m confused!

I’d like to get home as quickly as possible ideally but keen to know what your options were if you had any!!
I had my first st 9:12am and was home by 2pm! I did ask to go home! X
Both of mine were emergency c-sections:

First time I had my daughter at lunch time on Wednesday and went home on the Saturday.

Second time I had my daughter on Thursday night and went home on the Sunday.

At my hospital if all goes naturally, easily and smoothly, they can discharge you in 6 hours. It just all depends on the situation :)

It's better to have too much and not need it, than run out of things. I still had to ask my partner home to bring in a few things. You could pack an extra bag to keep in the car, or make sure your partner knows where everything is kept at home incase you need more.
With my 1st I had him early hours Friday morning by emcs and was out late Saturday afternoon. With my 2nd I had him 3pm Sunday by vbac but had a retained placenta so went to surgery and had to stay the night, home Monday afternoon. With my 3rd also a vbac had him at 7pm Tuesday and could have been discharged that night but I stayed because I went into shock after the labour (was only 40mins long) then had feeding issues. Home Wednesday afternoon. So only 1 night with each of them xx

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At our hospital, assuming there are no issues you can leave after 6 hours. Although they did say if you're breastfeeding, they would rather you stayed overnight.

Definitely no mention of staying in for days, they were quite keen on getting you out sooner rather than later, when possible.
At my local midwife led unit they love you to stay and encourage you to do so. First baby I was blue lighted from there to the city hospital, had her in the afternoon spent one night in there and the next morning was told "we can't transfer you bk as the midwife unit is short staffed and we dont have space for you here" so home it was, I was a scared new mum and would have loved another night or so to get used to breastfeeding and life in general.

2nd time I had baby in the city but came bk to the midwife led until that evening, spent one night in and while I was adamant I wasn't rushing home this time I didn't feel well looked after and I missed DD1 so went home the next morning. So one night in for both but I wish I'd had a better experience and stayed longer
We ended up on the transitional care ward with my first and was in for 5 days as I developed a fever during labour and we both needed antibiotics. Hoping to be in and out ASAP with this one but have packed enough for 2 nights xx
With my first was 4 nights, I had to have 2 blood transfusions and need to be moniterd for 24 hours though.
With my second he was 5 weeks Prem, so had to stay 3 nights. If he wasn't prem would have been home within the day, was a nice easy birth.
With my first we were in for just under a week as he was in the Neonatal Unit with a suspected infection.

With my second I was ready to go home less than 4 hours after birth. We had 2 hours of skin to skin and nursing, then I showered and dressed and was good to go. I chose to stay for a night for bf support. My second birth was super fast though (just over an hour and a half) which I think helped as it wasn't a long drawn out exhausting labour.

Thanks ladies, it’s reassuring to hear from you all!!
I had my first a week ago. At 10am at 2 they asked if I wanted to go home or stay in to get help with breast feeding. If you’re planning too breastfeed I’d recommend staying in.
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I had my first 29th April my waters went at 1am got to hospital after 2am as my contractions was less then 2 mins apart she was born for 7:49am I came home early evening that day they get you to pack extra incase of any emergencies or problems xx
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Oh my gosh, the thought of being asked to leave after 6 hours freaks me right out!! I hope I get to stay the night at least...
Oh my gosh, the thought of being asked to leave after 6 hours freaks me right out!! I hope I get to stay the night at least...

Hehe!! I’m not a fan of hospitals so will happily be leaving when I feel ready 😬
I had an emergency section with my first, stayed in three days. Initially all i wanted was to go home, but i realized that i received tons of help in the hospital, and after i left i wished i had a couple more days to recover in the hospital, haha!
I went in on the Sunday to be induced, pessary in at 1130am.
Had DD on the Tuesday by emergency csec at 1124am.
Got out on the Thursday lunchtime as my temp went up too high during the section and me and DD had to have antibiotics for 48hrs and we stayed on transitional care ward.

This time around I'd love to be home asap. I hated being in that hospital and being alone at night.
It depends on the birth. I had my son and was allowed home just hours later! It all went very smoothly, I had no drugs, no stitches, perfect baby, latched and fed right away etc so I had no reason to stay. They did give me the option of going home or staying over night but as they were very busy and he was born early afternoon we decided to go home and get settled.
If you or baby have any complications you could be there a few days. Personally I would pack for an over night stay and then if you need anything extra somebody can go and get you more cloths and anything else you may need.
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5 days because he was poorly. I’m hoping to go nowhere near a hospital when I have another ;)
With my first I had her at 0836 on the 30th may and was home at 1830 the next day as had to see a peadiatrician.
With my 2nd 3 months ago she was born at 1514 on the Tuesday nd we went gone 1030 the following morning. They did try to get me to leave that evening at 8pm but I refused. I didn't feel ready at all

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