How long to crawl once......UPDATED!!!SHE CRAWLS!


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2007
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Woo hooo! She's not very fast yet but she's definately going places!So in answer to my own question - about 3 weeks!

Sooo cute :D The cats had better watch out lol :lol:

....they are rocking on their hands and knees? Eva has been doing this for a couple of weeks now and is going half demented with frustration at not quite being able to crawl :roll:
She manages to move about a bit by sheer willpower and rolling/flinging herself in the general direction she wants to go in but its not enough bless her :D

So can you tell me I should rush out for some stairgates? please?! :pray: She even has OH crawling round the room trying to show her what to do every night :rotfl: :cheer:
I can't answer, but just wanted to say that Ella is doing exactly the same! She goes from sitting, leans forwards and tries to crawl, but as soon as she gets her bent leg out she falls flat on her face! She is so frustrated by it and it is driving me mad as she then whinges/screams until I sit her back up, at which point she starts it all again!
I know, I feel so frustrated for her too! Have just fished her from under the sofa where she has pushed herself sliding around on the laminate floor, think i am gonna have to be more housewifely and clean under there a bit more often :oops: very fluffy baby :rotfl:
kyran started rocking on his hands and knees from about 7months. he still does it now but can t properly crawl. he only mastered commando crawling a couple weeks ago. so really i dont no the answer to your question! we're still not quiet there yet! and hes had 3months practice of carpet shaggin! :lol:
My friend's little girl did this for about 3-4 weeks. Then she took a few 'crawling' steps. Within a week after that she was speedy :lol:
Same with my LO! She sooo wants to crawl but she just rocks on her knees too...And then dives at the carpet :lol:
leland pushed himself backwards for a month and crawled proper at just before 8 months ( he only command crawled prob twice)
Thanks ladies you have given me hope lol, I will keep up the encouraging cheers and try and be patient for us both! :lol:
Layla's been doing that for about 6 wks. She would rock forward onto her hands and knees and fall on her face when she tried to move forward. About two wks ago she progressed to getting fully onto her hands and knees and moving her hands forwards and kind of shuffling her legs a bit! Two days ago she took two steps forward crawling :dance: :clap: Last night she went a whole 4 steps :cheer: I assume she'll progress to take more steps until she's more confident. So in answer to your q Layla has taken about 6 wks :D
Lol, great sounds like she will be just in time to get at the xmas tree then! :rotfl:
I posted yesterday, but just wanted to say my LO started crawling today! :D She rocked for about a week.
charlie84 said:
poppy160 said:
I posted yesterday, but just wanted to say my LO started crawling today! :D She rocked for about a week.

:cheer: Go Ella :cheer:

Haha was gonna text you!! She's literally started in the last hour!!
poppy160 said:
charlie84 said:
poppy160 said:
I posted yesterday, but just wanted to say my LO started crawling today! :D She rocked for about a week.

:cheer: Go Ella :cheer:

Haha was gonna text you!! She's literally started in the last hour!!

She is gonna keep you busy now :lol:

Will be around on msn later if your about :)
Yay!! :cheer:

If Ella wants to share the secret with Eva we would both be very grateful :D Although the random flinging herself in the general direction is working quite well today :rotfl:
If Ella would like to share the secret with my Ella too that would be great! ALthough she is at Nana and Grandpa's this afternoon so will prob master it when I am not there! I told them to stop her as I will be devastated if I miss it!
Thomas rocked for about 2 weeks untill he did hes first proper crawling he will now do about 6-8 crawls without belly floping the rest of the way :lol:
Luke is pretty much the same. We're just waiting....... and waiting.....
lol wow Debbie, according to your tickers you have somehow managed to breastfeed Luke the day before he was born!!! thats dedicated booby feeding for sure! :rotfl:
Happy 8 months to Luke anyway, hope he crawls soon too :D
lol why does everybody else seem to be at the 'rocking back and forth stage' for an average of about 6 weeks :think: Kyrans been doing it for 12weeks and hes still no closer to properly crawling! :lol: He just drags himself along the floor like a wounded animal :rotfl:

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