How long should i experience symptoms after a miscarriage?


Jul 9, 2014
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I had a scan on 31st July and was told I had miscarried. The miscarriage happened the week before when I was abroad so this was the soonest I could get checked out. Its now been about 3 weeks and i am still in a lot of pain and most days have a lot of bleeding but not every day. I was anaemic before the miscarriage at my last blood test so I am concerned about this as well. I have been feeling lightheadedness and have blacked out twice. I already went to a&e at the weekend but they were awful. They had a look and said it was fine. They didnt scan me or take blood or give me any pain relief. I was sent home even though my oxygen was at 86% and my heartrate was all over the place and my temperature was high. I can't get an appointment with my gp until next week. I am concerned and in a lot of pain, what should I do?
Im sorry a and e weren't helpful, do you have a number for epu or a midwife? Failing that I'd ask for a phone consultation with your gp so you can access the right services quicker. If your temp is high you need seen and don't take no for an answer xx
Im sorry for your loss. I agree you should maybe contact your GP. It rubbish your A&E were not helpful. I hope you get yourself sorted as the pain of a mc is bad enough let alone bad physical pain!

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