how long off work?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
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Hi everyone
I miscarried naturally over last night and today, after having it confirmed on saturday that this was not a viable pregnancy. I have worked from home today (didn't want to leave the house due to bleeding etc).
Anyway, would it be unreasonable to work at home the rest of the week. Just don't want my boss to think I'm taking the mickey.
Anyone got any experience they can share?
Thank you
Aragon xx
I've been signed off for 2 weeks, due to go back on Saturday.

I miscarried 8 days ago.

My gp said it could be extended if needs be but I feel ready to go back.

Plus I've got another scan on 25th and if I've not passed everything then, I'll be booked in for a procedure which will mean more time off.

So sorry for your loss hun.

I was signed off for 3weeks and tbh it was nowhere near long enough xx
Thanks so much for sharing both.
Keep thinking I'm ok but then i break down.
Just horrendous.
Most important thing is to take what time you need. I went back very quickly each time (had 4mc), within 4 days max as I found it easier to face people when didn't have too much time to think about it and I found it helped to distract me and keep life normal. However it is very personal and ladies should take as much time as they need.
I felt ready but then work was a dick an moved us offices without notice an i was just overwhelmed xx
I have cancelled tomorrow - was meant to attend a conference and present but just can't have everyone staring at me. Working from home friday then will have the weekend. Hopefully will feel better by then.
Thanks for sharing all xx
I had 3/4 weeks.. Not long enough, my bleeding had only just stopped when I went back. Xx
Just take whatever time you need hun.

If you're not ok after the weekend, then don't go back.

You're gp will sign you off.

Does your work know what is happening?

I have told my boss.
Went to the doctors today as I passed something the size of my hand and it looked like a tumour. Apparently that's normal but I had the same on Tuesday night and heavy bleeding and clots inbetween. Tmi sorry.
Cramps are bad too.
My blood pressure is through the roof. Doc did it three times and told me to chill out, stop working etc. So i am staying off for at least the rest of this week.
I had no idea a miscarriage could be so traumatic. At least I have a sympathetic boss.
That was the sac coming out Hun. I had one mc with sac coming out as a whole and one in pieces and the one that come out in pieces was the most horrendous pain and thing I'd been through xx
I took 6 weeks off when I miscarried at 10 weeks in 2013. I went to epu with bleeding, they signed me off for a week and had to go back to epu a week later to see what was happening. Found out I had miscarried a week later so they signed me off for 2 weeks, had d&c day after, then got my dr to sign me off for a further 3 weeks. Everybody deals with grief differently, so don't feel pressurised in to going back if you don't feel up to it. I worked as dental nurse/receptionist at the time and was in a really shitty job with horrible people so knew it would be really hard to go back, I actually handed in my noticed and moved to a different practice in the same company during my sick leave. xx
So sorry to hear about your loss :-(

I was told I lost my baby on tues 1st sep (missed miscarrige) and went back to work on Friday 4th sep, I must have been mad but I just wanted to get back to normal and take my mind off things, I was then in and out of work as I had to go to hospital appointments. I had medical management the following Friday and was back in work Monday. Everybody is different for me, it drove me mad staying at home, my boss was supprotove it was my choice xxx

Don't rush back to work though if your not ready everybody is different but don't feel bad if you do go back to work (I did feel a bit guilty at first) xxx
Thanks everyone. At the minute I'm feeling like I'll be ok to go back Monday.
I'm still bleeding, and I have a hospital appointment to check everything has passed naturally, but I want to get stuck in to work again.
Will see fir definite on Monday.
I was off work for 3 weeks. I needed longer but feel ok now (I mc in July) listen to your body and remember your body and you have gone through something very traumatic so rest up xxxxxxx

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