How long do you plan to breastfeed for?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Went to my baby group today and the breastfeeding mums have dropped from 4 to 2, so just me and another lady left :cry: But both of them got til 5 months, so well done to them :D

I've not really thought about when the time is that we will stop. 6 months was my aim and now we're going with the flow, hoping to definately make it til at least 1 (unless I get pregnant and my milk just stops).

What do you other bf mums think? Anyone planning on extended breastfeeding?
I am well chuffed I got to six months as Ii really didn't think I was going to get to 6 days. My first target was a week, then two, then a month and here I am!!

My next target is one year, but after reading about the benefits of EN I am definately up for it. I do think 2 will be my limit though. I was never really understanding of EN, thought it was icky but now see why mums do it. I am aware I may well be regarded as an oddity but to be honest I don't care anymore :D
well, I seem to have absolutely no choice or control at all. Zara likes it and that's it. Although I really do have to do something about her new biting habit.
I really don't want to tandem feed so I'm hoping she'll get sick of it soon :rotfl:
I'd like to stop maybe in the next month or 2. I'm not sure why, and I haven't made any attempt to cut down yet. Mason weaning himself off at about 7 months cos he was so big and I just wasn't filling him up.
Brody seems set in his ways though, and until he sleeps through I'm reluctant to make the switch as I love being able to feed in bed.
I am lucky enough be to not going back to work so I have no reason to stop. I love it!

But my dad said I should stop so my OH can have my boobs back!! GRRRRRR. MY Mum said in four weeks oliver will only be feeding from me at night!!! I think not!

If I could I would go till 1 year but stop after that. I wouldnt like to do up till 2 as I would have been uncomfortable with Jessica breasfeeding at 2. She was too big at that point, I dont know how to describe it but she was past the baby baby stage and more a toddler and I think it might have been harder to implement the change over. Does that make sense?

Well as you know, after a really shakey start I'm really enjoying bf'g and Olivia seems really keen on it too!

However I do think that I'll try and introduce some formula when I wean her because I can't express more than an ounce now and I would like to be able to get a wee break now and again. I don't plan to give up bf'g completely until she's a year old though.

Thanks for those Beanie :D

My first target when I was pregnant was a couple of weeks, then 4 months, then 6 months. Now it's a year though will still continue after that I imagine. It's definately 'our' time when Ella feeds and I really enjoy it (not in a weird way!), for us it's helped us to really bond and I love our cuddles (getting all soppy now!!).
Its mad when I think back to how six months seemed like a lifetime away. I agree with you Kina, it is mine and Seren's time, especially in the morning before work, and when I get back from work I love to feed her as I have missed her so much. Am so glad I stuck with it :D
BTW Jadie, has your mum forgotten how much milk you used to take when you were little??!! :shock: :lol:
i have just stopped in the last month. never really set a target and tried to just go with the flow.

once i went back to work in May and alex was having more bottles my supply slowed a lot but i still tried to feed when i was home. but alex is such a piggy that it was just too slow for him. i ended up just doing the first thing feed as he didnt seem bothered about the speed when he was still sleepy. but after a while that one wasnt enough for him either. so have stopped totally.

didnt really mind stopping - i loved feeding him and am so glad i did it but i tried to keep in mind that it wasnt the end of the world if we stopped, its just another development he had to go through at some point. we still have plenty of cuddles time and he is a very affectionate baby.

i think i am very lucky that alex is very adaptable to change and never seemed to notice he wasnt having boob anymore. i though he was going to try to feed the other day when i was in bed with him and he put his mouth on my boob - he blew a raspberry on it instead :lol:

Kina said:
BTW Jadie, has your mum forgotten how much milk you used to take when you were little??!! :shock: :lol:

I was a bottle fed baby, I think she was hinting at puting Oliver on formula soon and that he will be on solids at 5 months!

:lol: My mum stopped making comments months ago :rotfl: Think she's scared too now ;)

When i was preg and after i had Kiara i told everyone i will stop at 6 months lol well here i am at 6 months and not ready to stop its just way too convenient , dont have to warm it up and ready whenever baby is.
But it would be nice having a break here and there.

I am hoping to make it up to a year but it all depends on how i feel when her teeth come in :shock: anyone with breastfeeding babies with teeth?
does it hurt please tell me or i might change my mind :D
I am hoping to make it up to a year but it all depends on how i feel when her teeth come in anyone with breastfeeding babies with teeth?
does it hurt please tell me or i might change my mind

Ella has 6 teeth now - it's fine but sometimes if her latch isn't spot on I can feel her top teeth rubbing, which can be sore! But that only happens very occasionally :)
Hi Katrina

Olivia has two bottom teeth now, they aren't full size yet but so far she has only bit me a couple of times and both times have been when she wasn't really hungry and was just playing around so I can now tell when that times coming and take her off before she does it!

I am so glad I stuck with it as well.

I hated it for the first four months and now I enjoy it.

I intend to give up my remaining day feed at six months and then just feed him morning and night until he starts biting me and then that will be it.

I am so glad that samuel hasn't got teeth yet. As lets face it he doesn't need them. One little boy that was born in the hospital the same tims as samuel already has seven teeth! :shock: , and as a result he is no longer being breastfed. Such a shame.
One little boy that was born in the hospital the same tims as samuel already has seven teeth!

Awww can't imagine not having those gummy first smiles!

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