Ive been taking the pregnacare original vitamins and ive got a feeling that they are the cause of feeling so awful!
It says on the packet that you take them through the whole of the pregnancy but ive also read that the most important time is the first trimester.
Just wondered what everyone else is doing? Whether you have stopped or plan on stopping or taking them the whole way through?
Obviously if its going to help baby then i will continue to take them the whole way through.
Just looking for advice
Thanks in advance!
Ive been taking the pregnacare original vitamins and ive got a feeling that they are the cause of feeling so awful!
It says on the packet that you take them through the whole of the pregnancy but ive also read that the most important time is the first trimester.
Just wondered what everyone else is doing? Whether you have stopped or plan on stopping or taking them the whole way through?
Obviously if its going to help baby then i will continue to take them the whole way through.
Just looking for advice
Thanks in advance!
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