How long before ttc again?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hi everyone,

I went into hospital last Thursday to have the medical management done as my scans were showing that my pregnancy had stopped growing at around 6 weeks, i am absolutely gutted but it obviously wasn't meant to be.

Just wondering what everyones views are in regards to how long to wait before ttc again?

Thanks Amy xx
i waited 3 months as i wasnt ready to try again and then fell pregnant quite quick :-) x
Ah thanks hun. Im unsure what to do. Im glad it didnt take you long though. :) xx
I had a mmc at 15 weeks had surgery that went horrifically wrong and was told had to wait 2 month as I had internal injuries that had to heal. I was ready after 4 week oh took longer he was to scared he nearly lost me but now he is on board too so now we are trying soon as medically I was allowed :)
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My m/c was 14th July the doctor said asloong as I am mentally ready I could try when I was ready so once the bleeding stopped we started trying and hey presto I'm now 6w gone xx
I waited a month (one af) and fell pregnant the following month. Whilst I'm so pleased I didn't wait ant longer (ds is 10wks now) I did find the first 12 weeks extremely stressful, I was very worried how I'd cope if it was bad news again.
Thanks for the replies ladies and congrats to yous :). xxx
I had medically managed miscarriage in June just before I was 11 weeks. Was pregnant again 3 weeks later. Had some spotting at 8 weeks this time, and nurse I spoke to said sometimes falling pregnant so soon after miscarriage doesn't allow the lining of the womb to thin enough. But all was fine with me thank goodness.
I think it should be based on when you are mentally ready BUT i will tell you what i did just for info:

Mmc feb
Fell pregnant from March cycle but had chemical mc
Fell pregnant in May cycle and then miscarried at the end of june.

It may just be that my body hadnt recovered fully, i do know people who have had pregnancies from first ov after a mc so everyone is different xxx
I miscarried at 6 weeks and fell pregnant again 2 weeks later. I didn't know at first as i had not even had a period yet after the mc, it was 5 weeks later when i realised i could be pregnant again and now i am 26 weeks pregnant.

It is totally upto to you if you want to try straight away or wait a little, all depends if you feel ready for it.

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