How long are your feeds? (One week old)


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2013
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How long are people finding a feed takes?

I'm breastfeeding and can occasionally get up to 20-25mins on one side before she looses interest but more often than not its 5-10mins.

She was weighed today and had gone down a little, the maternity assistant said to try and encourage to longer feeds on the same boob even if there are breaks where you wind her and wake her up a bit.

Any tips? People finding similar? She's getting weighed again the Sunday do really want the weight on!
We're the opposite, his feeds go forever, at least 30mins per boob. He'll fall asleep after half an hour on one boob but then as soon as I move him he's hungry again so he definately needs both but gets so tired. I now feed on one side, change his nappy I wake him up and then feed on the other.
If baby is not completely emptying one side, when you dare her getting sleepy, start undressing her. Just undo a couple of poppers or something which should rouse her enough to continue even if it's just a couple of sucks. My baby didn't need both boobs at a week old but I was told to always offer, for now I'd just focus in getting her to empty one side so she's having the thicker filling milk.ita normal for her to have lost weight at a week though so don't worry. You're doing a great job :)
Anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes really, we have a long feed in the evening and in the morning aswell. She goes about 4 hours between feeds and we get 1-7 in the night. I think thats because I did what your hv said she has the one boob then when she falls asleep or unlatches we burp feed again from the same boob then offer other boob if she wants it(which she normal does).
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You get 6 hours at night and 4 hours in the day with a breast fed baby button!! How jealous i lol! We get no more than 2 hours day or night regardless of how much milk I've managed to pump in to him haha
Might sound silly but I don't know when my boob is full or empty really at the min, can't tell :( I must be missing something.
Once your milk has settled your boobs wont go full full really unless you miss a feed etc when yoi get past the first week you will feel your 'letdown' which is a tingly/stingy kind of feeling in your boobs and you will know thats when boobs are full!

Jessie I know right I cant believe it either, dont get me wrong she will have an hour where shes on and off etc it's not always every 4 hours but mainly yes. Not sure if irs her weight that helps as shes laps the milk down!!
At 1 week out feeds we only lasting 5 maybe 10 on each boob. For a while after I managed to extend it to 10 or 15 on one side the 10 on the other but now at 4 weeks we seem to be back to 5 or so mins. Trying hard to extend it but struggling
Might sound silly but I don't know when my boob is full or empty really at the min, can't tell :( I must be missing something.

I can tell when baby is due a feed because my boob goes quite firm, if he fully drains it it feels quite soft and deflated afterwards, if he only snacks it still feels quite firm inside.
Hmm I need to be paying more attention to boobs clearly!
Have a good grope before after a feed you'll soon pick it up haha

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