How long after positive OPK do you ovulate?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2012
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I had a positive OPK yesterday (Sat) and my BBT dropped this morning - how soon after my positive test will I ovulate? Is it usually 1-2 days later?
We DTD thursday, Saturday and today. Should we BD again tomorrow or will I have ovulated by now? I've had some ovulation pains in the past few days, EWCM and my cervix position was high and open. I've just checked my cervix position and it is now low, still open and I had a few specks of blood when I wiped. What does this mean?
I would say that yes you have ovulated - the specks of blood can be from where the egg ruptures from the folicle.

The cycle I conceived my daughter we only DTD on the day of my positive opk hadn't done for days before and didn't for days after - and my cervix also went low the day after my postive test.

good luck
Thank you for your reply Iwant3 - I am really, really hoping I get my BFP this time :) xx
The day of the temp drop after the pos OPK is likely to be the ovulation day. Good luck x
Thanks Lara - we DTD the day I got my positive OPK and the following day when I ovulated so I'm now in my 2WW. FX this time I get my BFP :)
Great timing then! How many dpo now then? X
And have you now seen the temp rise? My rise takes two days x
You seem to have covered all bases. When I got pregnant I dtd the day before and the day after my pos opk x
The general guidance indicates that you ovulate approx 12 to 36 hrs after the surge (so when the opk first turns positive)

Combined with a temp drop you may have found your ov date :)

On the month i got pregnant we dtd on cd 12, 14, 15 and had pos opk on afternoon cd 13.

Good luck! :dust:
Thanks guys - if I ovulated last Sunday, I am now 6dpo. I think my luteal phase is usually about 9 days. My BBT was steadily rising after the OV drop but today it has gone From 36.93 to 36.61. If you are pregnant does your temp remain high? I'm nearing the end of my cycle now and have some period type aches so think I may be unlucky this time :-( boo
Oops, so much for trying to remain calm - I've just been doing some Internet searching!! It could be that the temp drop and aching feelings could be implantation, the timing sounds right at 6dpo. Grrrrr, why can't I just relax about it! Oh well, I should know one way or another in the next few days I guess....
Good luck katkin, im 11 dpo and having the usual type period pains, pretty sure I'm out for this month and told the OH there's no chance but secretly I keep thinking there's the tinest glimmer of hope...
Thanks guys - good luck to you too Becky :)

Just come home after a long (and muddy) day at Download Festival - had very, very sore boobs all day :-( Hope it's a BFP and not the witch on her way......

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