How helpful are the local council!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2010
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Just need to rant, I know it's my fault that I let it get to this, but still : (
I got a letter through from the council tax people saying I owe them money from the last tax tear, so I rang them, and the horrible man just said "well you have to pay half today, and then we can look at setting up a payment plan for the remainder over 3 or 4 months, it won't be over 10 months like your current bill." So I tried to explain that I don't have £200 sitting around doing nothing, and he said, "well if you don't pay, we will send in the bayliffs", so again explained I was pregnant, and not needing the stress, and all I got back was "well it's your own fault, you've had all year to pay" - Charming. I know it's my fault, but unfortunately money doesn't grow on trees, and the council tax isn't the only bill I have to pay atm, I was hoping they'd be able to help somehow, or say I can pay over 6 months, I don't know, but anything is better than the threats :(
Sorry for the moan, just annoyed me a little bit.

thats horrible hun thats all u need they let me pay mine up when a was in arrears from last year so maybe if u call back try get someone else they will understand u dont have that amount to pay all 1 go they should understand x
I don't get paid until Friday anyway, so there's nothing I can do right now else I would, just to get rid of them, I really don't have that money doing nothing though :(
I'll phone back, and hope for someone nicer, and try again!
If not, I will try the CAB - thanks Shauna, I know they've helped you with things recently, so obviously worth a try.
First thing to do is NEVER CALL them. They should have a general contact E-mail address on your local council website. Always use this. Then you can clearly write out a letter stating your circumstances and ask how you go about setting up a payment plan etc. You should receive a auto reply saying they have received your email and will reply within x amount of days. Then take it from there. The council are very good at pretending they didn't get that phone call etc, and also if you write a letter they are very good at losing them too! This way if you have it all written down in an Email you have contact names and proof etc. If you don't get anywhere with them after this then print off the Emails etc and go the CAB office and ask them for advice as to what you have to do now. Don't worry about the threats to send in the bailiffs they can’t do that if you are communicating with them trying to sort it out.
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Thanks guys :)
I actually rang them back again (didn't get this message until I'd done so!), else I wouldn't have done. I got a really lovely lady this time, and she couldn't have been more helpful thankfully.
I explained my situation again, asked if there were any changes which could be taken off to make the amount more managebale, and she said no, because it had been through court to get the summons. So I asked if I could make an arrangement, and how much they'd like, and she said that whatever amount I was happy to pay, without leaving myself short, and that they don't tend to refuse payments as any amount shows willingness to pay, so paid some, and she's going to set an arrangement up to run alongside my current years bill, for 10 months.
Was quite suprised after the dickhead I got this morning! She also went on to say that when I leave work and go on Mat leave, that she appreciates I'll be short and probably on benefits for a while, so to just kep them informed and they'd rather the arrears were paid, than the current tax bill. She was really nice, and really made me feel a lot better, such that she understood and was like an actual person, rather than someone just after the money.xx

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