How far along am I?


Jan 21, 2019
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Hi all,

This is my first post and I have just found out that we are having a baby we are so pleased. We detected our pregnancy through my missed period and then 2 positive at home pregnancy tests.
I just have a question though. When someone asks the question eventually (when we tell people) or when we tell our parents.. How far along are we? Such a simple questions but one I'm a bit confused about.

The pregnancy test said we were 2 weeks pregnant. So do well say this?
Or according to pregnancy timeline and my last missed period we are 4 weeks 2 days pregnant? So do we say this? How do other mommas work?
Thanks all and happy momming
It all works weird lol they count it from your last period so when you first become pregnant you are counted as 2 weeks already so you will be 4 weeks 2days until you have your scan and they may change it slightly
So if someone asks I say I'm 4 weeks pregnant or however far gone I am? It's so confusing. Haha! So when you go for a 12 week scan your baby is actually only 10 weeks?
If you google due date calculator and input the first day of your last period it will generate your rough due date. This is just what we use until the 12 week scan then they go off how baby likes in size/age and may adjust your date slightly xx
Thank you. I've done that andit says I am due 28th September. Hooray!
Yeah it is a bit confusing, you are considered to be 4 weeks pregnant when really you only conceived 2 weeks ago, so on the day of your missed period you should be around 4 weeks pregnant, although fetal age is 2 weeks, at your 12 week scan fetal age is around 10 weeks, but you are still considered 12 weeks pregnant, I don’t know why they do it that way! X
Hi all,

This is my first post and I have just found out that we are having a baby we are so pleased. We detected our pregnancy through my missed period and then 2 positive at home pregnancy tests.
I just have a question though. When someone asks the question eventually (when we tell people) or when we tell our parents.. How far along are we? Such a simple questions but one I'm a bit confused about.

The pregnancy test said we were 2 weeks pregnant. So do well say this?
Or according to pregnancy timeline and my last missed period we are 4 weeks 2 days pregnant? So do we say this? How do other mommas work?
Thanks all and happy momming
First of all congratulations!!
Just wanted to let you know that you are not on your own. I am.also new to this and have no clue how it works. Like you test said 1-2. Then online calculator said 5weeks (due 21st sept)

First of all congratulations!!
Just wanted to let you know that you are not on your own. I am.also new to this and have no clue how it works. Like you test said 1-2. Then online calculator said 5weeks (due 21st sept)


Congratulations!! First time mummy also? I'm very excited and feel so much more relaxed now. I know it's early days but I was more anxious during the 2 week wait leading up to my period. But now it's happened I feel I can relax a bit more. I think I get how it works, so when we tell our parents we will be around 6 weeks along but baby is 4 weeks xxx
Congratulations!! First time mummy also? I'm very excited and feel so much more relaxed now. I know it's early days but I was more anxious during the 2 week wait leading up to my period. But now it's happened I feel I can relax a bit more. I think I get how it works, so when we tell our parents we will be around 6 weeks along but baby is 4 weeks xxx
Yes :)

I am starting to feel excited! After a chemical in december i didnt want to get my hopes up.but i am feeling positive :).

I do not understand matter how many times ive read. Ive just said im expecting and not told a date. Will wait until i see a doctor i suppose xx
Congrats! Another first time mummy!

I hate the way they date pregnancies. It makes it horribly confusing! When I showed my mum my digi she was completely confused as she thought something was wrong since it only showed 1-2 weeks. I tried to explain it to her, but I don't think she understood it either.
I'm glad I'm not the only one. Have you had any first few week symptoms? So far I've been pretty lucky (touch wood) apart from feeling more tired.
Tired, sore muscles and I get nausea if I eat certain foods. I did have heartburn for a few days but that seems to have stopped.
I feel so embarrassed! I rang the doctors today to make an appointment and the woman on the phone was like "urm you don't need to make an appointment with the doctor unless you've been having problems. You need to phone the local midwife" I was just like
On no! Ive booked a doctors appointment but did it online?! I assumed thats what you did
On no! Ive booked a doctors appointment but did it online?! I assumed thats what you did

Well so did I?? But apparently not. I said "Hi I've just found out im pregnant and so I was wanting to make an appointment with the doctor" nd she said oh no you can self refer yourself to the local midwife as the doctor doesn't need to see you unless you are having problems. So she just gave me the number so I will call that tomorrow.
I just felt so silly though!!
I didn’t have to see the doc either, I phoned the docs to tell them I was pregnant and they just gave me the number for the local women’s hospital to register with the midwives, I then got a booking in appointment with a midwife, phone your doctors surgery maybe to find out what the process is xx
I didn’t have to see the doc either, I phoned the docs to tell them I was pregnant and they just gave me the number for the local women’s hospital to register with the midwives, I then got a booking in appointment with a midwife, phone your doctors surgery maybe to find out what the process is xx

Yeah I will do I think. I haven't told my family yet as the day we found out my parents are on holiday for 2 weeks so I haven't had anyone to ask about it all yet really. But this group is super helpful. I have the midwife number now so I will call tomorrow and make an appointment xxx
Well so did I?? But apparently not. I said "Hi I've just found out im pregnant and so I was wanting to make an appointment with the doctor" nd she said oh no you can self refer yourself to the local midwife as the doctor doesn't need to see you unless you are having problems. So she just gave me the number so I will call that tomorrow.
I just felt so silly though!!
Oh gosh, I did the same! I'll call my doctors surgery tomorrow and see what they say. I feel like I need to see the doctor anyways as I've read that the antidepressants I take may not be ideal during pregnancy
I wouldn't feel silly about the doctors thing. I found the midwives number really hard to find and you used to have to see a doctor first. When I had my son it was doctors appointment first and then this time round they did the same to me and were a bit like why are you calling here? But they gave me the midwives number which I couldn't find on my own anyway haha.

Congratulations, as others have said pregnancy is counted from your last period (until you have your 12 week scan and then your dates may chance slightly but usually only by a few days)
I wouldn't feel silly about the doctors thing. I found the midwives number really hard to find and you used to have to see a doctor first. When I had my son it was doctors appointment first and then this time round they did the same to me and were a bit like why are you calling here? But they gave me the midwives number which I couldn't find on my own anyway haha.

Congratulations, as others have said pregnancy is counted from your last period (until you have your 12 week scan and then your dates may chance slightly but usually only by a few days)

Thank you. Everything i had read it said call the GP or the midwives.. and being as I didn't have a midwife yet I thought I'd go with the docs. At least I have the number now :)

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