How early did you feel your baby move?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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I know i'm wayy to early..

but looking forward to feeling lil one move, can here him/she moving on doppler, just cant feel yet lol..

When did you feel your bubs move? xx
I have been feeling movements since 9 weeks this time. The midwife was shocked when i went for a scan at 11 weeks and i told her when the baby was kicking.

Everyone and every pregnancy is different x
thats mad, have you got other children, they say your familular to the movements i2nd time round etc.. xx
it was about 17 weeks for me. cant wait for the serious kicks :shock:
21w + 4 for me, he won't stop kicking now though :lol:
Yeah this is my second child so i guess i am familiar with the feelings!
i think i can feel baby now, im 16wks and 5 days and have had these strange feelings for about 2 weeks. :D
I've been feeling little movements since about 9 and a half weeks - again second time mummy here - felt my son quite early too at 16 weeks n think my uterus is really sensitive from previous c-section...been feeling regular daily movements all through the day and at night time too for about a week - startin to get quite strong kicks now but think its gonna be about a month before OH n my son will be able to feel them.
18 weeks for me, I think its only sooner if its your 2nd. You shouldnt have too long though and it will come fast!xx
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mine was about 17. 18 weeks too i think, lovely isnt it :) Pretty sure LO's having a week of somersaulting !!
I started to get vague fluttering when I really stayed quiet and concentrated from about 15-16 weeks. They do feel very similar to wind bubbling up in your belly to begin with.
Ooh I got little flutters around 11 weeks and kicks, punches, kung fu etc from 16 weeks exactly.

14 + ? while swimming, could only feel increased pressures. Felt odd and thought something was wrong. Very intermittent until 18 weeks when felt first kicks.
I felt bubs when I was 17 weeks to the day :) Feel baby wriggling about now, but no major kicking as yet :)

C xxx
With Isaac I was around 19wks but this time around was very early at 14wks, you will feel LO soon enough, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:

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