How do you stave off the dissapointment?


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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How do you guys mentally prepare yourselves for the arrival of AF every month? And how do you cope when it does arrive?

I used to get in a right state and I'm sure I'll shed some tears this month when (if, IF!!) AF arrives but I was wondering what the rest of you do to cope with the disappointment? I usually have a glass of wine :lol:
I used to convince myself each month that I was pregnant, even when I kept getting BFNs. Af would even arrive and I'd keep telling myself it was lighter than normal and I was actually pregnant....after about 4 days of af I'd usually give in and just accept it wasn't my month. I'd cry, then sulk for a few days. Wine helped :) Then it was time to concentrate on ov and the cycle started all over again!

Copious amounts of chocolate!!! :rotfl:

There's only been 2 months when I've been totally neurotic about it. The first I convinced myself I was pregnant and refused to believe the hpt when they were -ve...until i did a clearblue!!! The 2nd i was actually pregnant so that was ok. It is incredibly frustrating when you try and try and nothing happens.
I always try to tell myself that it's going to be negative and try not to 'expect' to be pregnant (which hardly ever works, of course...). When af comes, I have a good cry if I feel like I need it and then I get psyched up for the new cycle. :D
I cry too lol

OH always says when AF is approaching "don't get your hopes up as I know you'll be upset when it arrives" but it's not something you can control.

I really feel I have been pretty good this month, because we were BDing so much and I was using fertility friend it really helped to be doing something proactive and getting to know my own body.

Plus if I don't catch this month I can look forward to a temperature graph which is something :lol:

It's just hard when you know you're setting yourself up for a fall but can't do anything to stop it! Stupid Brain :doh:

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