how do you know if?


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2008
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How would i know if my sons cough has gone to his chest..? i too him to docs 2 days ago and he said its not on his chest its just alot of gatar at back of throat and gave us nose drops.. but when i have used the nose drops he doesnt sneeze or cough like the doctor said he would...but round his eyes go red and he has loose nappy after and is really unsettled could this be a reaction?
His cough is still bad and he couchs about 8 times each time he coughs if u know what i mean his voice has still gone he sounds like a little mouse bless him.. but im just worried about it possibly turning into broncitus (cant spell lol) how would i know if his cough goes to his chest?
I just went to the doctor with that too for my LO. She is much older but I think it was the same thing. The cold 'travels' down and they cough as a reflex to all the mucas. I got nose drops too because they are supposed to help dry it up. She coughed a lot for 2 days and then it settled down. It was a dry cough to start with and then it got looser and now it has almost finished. Does it sound wheezy or just loose?
his started loose straight away.. when he breaths in it sounds crackly and sometimes he cant get his breath back which is scary.. hes had the cough now for 4 days in total and its no better.. but you know when you get that feeling that you just know its not right i have that but dont know if im paranoid or wat lol.. luckily health visitor comes today but she is abit dippy so i dont know if id trust what she says, she is lovely and everything just dippy lol

im not too sure what a wheezy cough sounds like but this sounds like all his windpipe has this gatar in.
I'm glad your HV is visiting. Let me know what she says about it. I guess it would be good to get an idea before the weekend when it's not so easy to get to the doctors. Hope he gets better quickly. I don't really know what bronchitis would sound like on a little one .
Apparently there is a bit of a virus going round. Angel sounded exactly like yours about a month ago. She'd wake herself coughing, it'd last for ages, she'd struggle to catch a breath and end up spitting mucus!
I took her to the GP and she said there was nothing wrong with her and it was just stuff in the back of her throat.

I wasn't happy as she was just as bad 3 days later and sounded so rattly. I was given an inhaler to help clear her throat. Worked wonders!

Go back for a second opinion if you're not happy! I did and i am pleased i did too.
hi health visitor just said it sounds like its just gatar and that its not on his chest.. so hopefuly it should be gone soon, thankyou all for ur replies
we've just been through a case of bronchilitus, Isla was very weezy, had coughing fits where she struggled to breathe, gagged on some of the flem etc, but you could actually feel it bubbling and rattling in her chest, do you feel a crackle?

I would trust your instincs, its hard when their little because you think you're being paranoid all the time but if those mummy senses are tingling, get it checked out again. Get them to listen to his chest.

A lot of babies stop feeding too with it, as they start to suffocate when they feed :cry:

We phoned NHS direct, the nurse listened to her breathing over the phone and went through tonnes of questions to assess her, they made an appointment out of hours for us and it went from there..she ended up in hosp for 4 days :cry:

So give them a ring, just to put your mind at rest, it'll take 5 mins.

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