How do you feel about getting a BFP?


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2011
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I feel so confused, for the last few days I have felt terrified of what happens if I get a BFP. Like, on the verge of tears terrified.

We do want a baby, we can afford one and all of that but all I can think about is what if I'm not ready, what if I wont be a very good mum and all sorts of other stuff like that. Does anyone else experience periods (clearly my day for bad punnage :whistle: ) of feeling this way?
i think everyone feels like that at some point, i know i did with my first when we were TTC and to be honest i was really scared when i thought i was and took a test, it came up as a bfp and i was actually ecstatic, somehow the fear and worries went! i'm same this time around too, really want a 2nd and final baby but i'm scared, i think its because i know whats coming, before it was the fear of the unknown and now i know whats in store lol! good luck in ur TTC journey hun i'm sure u will make a fab mum :) xx

all the time.

we have a little bot already (he's 4) and although i have experience, i'm still petrified!

I know i'm a good mum, but it's adifferent ballgame with 2, and frankly it scares me!!

i feel the same, if i get a bfp i think i might actually throw up (i get a really bad stomach when i'm either really nervous, worried or excited)
I looked at my little boy only yesterday and thought 'Could I love another as much as I love you?' and also 'Will you lose out from mummy time/be made to feel left out when I have another?' and then got the guilts a bit and it hasn't even happened! Us girls are so flippin' complicated, aren't we? :roll:
I'm terrified!! Lol!

It's all I want and think about & I'm sick with jealousy if I find out someone else is PG. But I'm actually worrying a lot about what if I get a BFP this month!!!!
I am petrified of getting a bfp, it is all I want and I want to be a good mum but don't know how. When I got my bfp in may 11, I suddenly thought omg am I even ready for this! After the mmc I am still wondering whether I am actually ready for any of this! but in my heart all I ready want is to be pregnant again, why can't our heads and heas agree!! Xx

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