How do you entertain an 8w old?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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Maisie is 8w old on Monday and for the last 5 days or so has become really grumpy during the day and unsettled. It used to be she was quite happy sitting on my knee looking at things etc but now she wants to be carried around and rocked.

We put her in her bouncer and she will sit there for maybe 5 mins, same with in her pram looking at mobile etc but then gets fed up and wants carried round. She isn't that bothered really if you sit and show her toys or books yet.

I just don't know what else to do to entertain her? I am not sure whether the grumpyness is a phase or whether she is bored senseless?? :(

I just feel useless when she won't settle, specially as she used to be quite content during the day :cry:
I remember that stage :wall: Was so difficult. I bought Jack a swing which he seemed to settle in, I also used to lay him on his playgym with toys above him but he didn't seem to be too interested in that either.

In the end his swing and music channel did the job :lol:

Until they start taking interest in toys and things it is difficult so don't feel useless, we all go through it :hug:
Elli loves her playgym & swing at the moment, i do know what u mean though as wen shes fed up of those she gets really fidgety & bored :lol:
We don't have a swing- bwhich one do you have?

She isn't that bothered by the gym yet but she has a little toy bar that goes over living room carry cot that she will look at for a few minutes
I got the rain forest swing from mothercare, I got the smaller one though as the big one would take up too much room. The mini ones are aound 50 quid
I went to visit someone this afternoon and they had the jungle swing and we have borrowed it- so far so good :pray: :cheer:
Lisa our tickers both say our babies are 1month 3weeks and 2days old even though Ellie was born on the 19th and Maisie was born on the 21st :think: :think: :think:
Holly likes it when I sing - i dont know why I have the worlds worst voice! She loves her play gym but will only stay there for half an hour then gets bored so we move her either to her swing or her chair.. if her daddy is at home he will play music to her off the laptop - she's a huge depeche mode fan at 9wks!!!

I just keep moving her around - and rattling things/showing her things.

No wonder I'm exhausted!
Evie is the same Lisa... it's really difficult finding things to keep her entertained...

I have the Fisherprice Linkadoos take along swing and it goes everywhere with us.

she'll sit in it quite happily...but only if the music and swing is on...we're spending a fortune on batteries. The woman in the local shop must think I'm running some sort of knocking shop! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Happychick- I did have a lillypie ticker but changed it as it kept putting the wrong date. I think mine is right so yours must be a couple of days out- silly website! :roll:

I think she might have a slight illness as has coughed a few times today- that maybe isn't helping the grouchiness. If she likes the swing we have borrowed I will def be orderin one.

How can something so small accumulate so much stuff so quickly :rotfl:
Hi there

This is a good book for ideas... ... eader-link

you can search inside.

We did the following (still do them!) from when Imogen was around 6 weeks then she seemed to need entertaining more...

*Play gym
*Tummy time for short periods
*On bouncer chair with A frame in front
*Singing (children's songs or our fave songs...babies don't care!)
*Look at the object - holding objects in front of her and moving them
*Go for a walk
*Watch the mobile
*Listen to the mobile!
*Listen and watch baby music cot toy ... 1&mcb=core
*watch Mummy do the cooking whilst in the pram!
*Baby Einstein DVDs for short periods
*Go for a coffee - LO watched the world go by! Lot of stimulation
*walk around the house and talk about what is in each room

I think the key thing is to do things for short periods and then move on to a different location/position for LO.

Good luck with it all. remember even tho LO may not look overly interested...they are taking it ALL in.... oh yes, clever little things they are. :)
Beatlesfan said:
Hi there

This is a good book for ideas... ... eader-link

you can search inside.

We did the following (still do them!) from when Imogen was around 6 weeks then she seemed to need entertaining more...

*Play gym
*Tummy time for short periods
*On bouncer chair with A frame in front
*Singing (children's songs or our fave songs...babies don't care!)
*Look at the object - holding objects in front of her and moving them
*Go for a walk
*Watch the mobile
*Listen to the mobile!
*Listen and watch baby music cot toy ... 1&mcb=core
*watch Mummy do the cooking whilst in the pram!
*Baby Einstein DVDs for short periods
*Go for a coffee - LO watched the world go by! Lot of stimulation
*walk around the house and talk about what is in each room

I think the key thing is to do things for short periods and then move on to a different location/position for LO.

Good luck with it all. remember even tho LO may not look overly interested...they are taking it ALL in.... oh yes, clever little things they are. :)

Theres only so many times in a day you can do that though. Lil miss was born wise to the swing, she will never fall asleep in it... and while the mobile teddies are dead interesting for the first 10minutes, they soon cease to be... From about 4 weeks lil miss has required carrying around, so that she can see things... Nothing keeps her entertained for long... :wall:
Baby Smile and I sing and play games. I'm glad noone is home to see us because he sits on my lap leaning on my knees cos he likes to be sittign up and I sing the runaway train song :oops:

(the runaway train went down the track and she blew.. etc etc ) and everytime it comes to blew I blow on his face and he giggles)

I also do head shoulders knees and toes (he likes eyes and ears bit as he loves his face being touched)

usually he has a very short attention span but he will happily have me doing this for HOURS!

we have this as well adn he likes to sit on my lap and watch the fish go around! I love it! :) ... v_XSG10001
Squiglet said:
Theres only so many times in a day you can do that though. Lil miss was born wise to the swing, she will never fall asleep in it... and while the mobile teddies are dead interesting for the first 10minutes, they soon cease to be... From about 4 weeks lil miss has required carrying around, so that she can see things... Nothing keeps her entertained for long... :wall:

What about a sling/carrier if LO likes to be carried around?

I found Imogen needed her concentration to be built up. She likes her play gym the most and will be happy here for 15-20 mins... I wouldn't expect her to stay on one thing for much longer than that, but I guess all babies are different. I know some babies who stare at the TV for aaaaggges... bit scary! Imogen would I am sure just that I don't let her.. only let her watch TV if she is fretting for a bottle, it keeps her distracted.
Beatlesfan said:
Squiglet said:
Theres only so many times in a day you can do that though. Lil miss was born wise to the swing, she will never fall asleep in it... and while the mobile teddies are dead interesting for the first 10minutes, they soon cease to be... From about 4 weeks lil miss has required carrying around, so that she can see things... Nothing keeps her entertained for long... :wall:

What about a sling/carrier if LO likes to be carried around?

I found Imogen needed her concentration to be built up. She likes her play gym the most and will be happy here for 15-20 mins... I wouldn't expect her to stay on one thing for much longer than that, but I guess all babies are different. I know some babies who stare at the TV for aaaaggges... bit scary! Imogen would I am sure just that I don't let her.. only let her watch TV if she is fretting for a bottle, it keeps her distracted.

THankfully if it wasn't for the godsend of my sling... my arms would have fallen off by now. :rotfl: :rotfl: Also I'm really lucky as she can support her head as well as a 3 month old now, so I can carry her kangeroo style around the house so she can SEE EVERYTHING.. and not get bored cos the scenery keeps changing. Although I've noticed that she can get "over" stimulated which makes her even MORE grumpy than before... I swear that child wants to learn everything NOW and learn to walk yesterday. She's even started trying to grab things. :roll: Why don't I have babies..? why do I give birth to toddlers trapped in baby bodies... :roll:
Yes she likes her sling and her head control is good too so she can face out as she isn't impressed at facing me anymore :roll:

She seems to be quite enjoying the swing we borrowed.

I think it probably hasn't helped that the weather has been pants this week so we haven't been out for walks like normal
snap! we have weird freaky head control in our family (apparently my brother and I were the same) whch means he has been able to hold his head up since day 1. He has always only been happy if he can see what is going on but is happy as long as he can see my face :) unfortunately it is hard to keep your attention fully on a 9 week old all the time and woe betide me if I glance at the windown or my OH!!! he gets SO cross! :rotfl:
I went to my first PEEP (Peers Early Education Programme) session yesterday - whch is a support group which aims to educate parents on how to stimulate, bond, and play with their children throughout different age ranges.

The first session gave ideas on making musical instruments for your baby from household objects (milk forumla tin filled with lentils etc..), singing songs with actions to do to your baby, using coloured nets to play peek a boo and also to lay baby on and slide around on the floor, and lifting baby up and down with hands under their arms going "Weeeeeeeeee"

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