how do you cope? with more kids?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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hey everyone.. ive woken up shattered today..

thinking.. im tired now.. in a few months time im going to be up 4-5 times in the night to feed, and then have to do all this stuff too.. how on earth do you manage? and are any of you feeling the same as me? ist quite daunting.. noone ever tells u when ur pregnant just how tired you are gonna be when it comes allong.. trust me.. its very!
hmmm.. obviously i dont know cos its my first but ill tell u about my grandma (dads mum) lol

she had 15 children, and 10 of them are twins, including my dad :shock:

oldest is 55 and youngest is 40, so not a lot of time inbetween to have an extra 13 children!! :lol:

i cant begin to imagine how hard that was, but she managed, (in a 4-bedroom house!! :shock: ), and i'm the result of one of the twins haha

im sure you'll be fine! :hug:
My sis has 3 kids. Callum is 7 months and Kaden is 3 in December. (Ryan is 7 so quite self sufficient) and she manages well. I guess you manage cos you have to :D
OMG Lisa.. I was thinking the exact same thing... !!!! :rotfl:

It was Tia's first day back at school.... And we live further away now so have to get up even earlier than we used. She was an absolute pain getting ready . I had to pick out her clothes, which she then complained about, then do her hair (she had really long hair she won't let me cut, and its really fine and knotted) and just... OMG what am I going to do when I have a BABY!!! Don't you remember how demanding babies were!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Now I am going to have to get a baby ready, an 8 year old ready and myself... Because I will be going back to work in April... OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD:... comes to mind... !!!

On the funny side.... In Spain the school alarms sound like air raid sirens... and I know the baby can hear, because he got the shock of his life this morning when that went off...

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
It scares the sh!t out of me :shock: How will I cope with being even more tired than I am now, plus double the workload :shock:

:sleep: :sleep: :sleep: I wish....
hahah squig! u always make me laugh..

well.. i suppose theres gonna be a few tears in january.. when im so tired i jsut can manage anything lol

my eyes r burning and its 9.30 :(
I think everyone has those fears even if they don't have little ones to take care of already! I reckon we just have to take it ONE day at a time and if everything goes tits up in the house, well there's always Dominos Pizza on standby.. :)
made me wonder coz this girl i was in school with, her daughter goes to the same school as charl.. and she had a c section.. by 2 weeks after the baby was born she was at school pushing this new baby kitted out face full of makeup.. n i was thinking.. bloody hell.. aitn she tired lol..
I met one of Tia's friends mother today... She looked shattered cos her baby is teething... she said she hadn't slept in 3 weeks because he was crying all the time... It just panicked me more...

Another of Tia's classmates (I swear there were 4 mothers pregnant before summer...and there were 4 pushchairs at the school today), she had her baby 2 weeks ago and she looked wonderful...and she has 3 :shock: and one is under 5!!!!!

On the upside...seemingly our local hospital is lovely to give birth in.... Private rooms with a bed for dad.... but only if your is a catholic country after all... don't see why its important.... Sex is the LAST thing on your mind after you've pushed a great big melon out of there :shock:
l.. and they go on to tell u.. what are you going to do for contraception? im gonna be like.. hello! hes not going anywhere near there for atleast a year after that lol...
well, this is number 3 for me, and i am less anxious about coping going from 2 to 3 than i was going from 1 to 2 :| for me the thing that worked last time was I didn't plan anything in the first months, so there was no pressure to go anywhere or see anyone! this time the age gap is going to be nearly 7 years between my youngest and this one :shock: and my oldest will be nearly 10.
just take it a step at a time, but the best advice my mum gaveme was, make sure your showered and dressed by 10am (first time mums) and you will feel more in control - and she was right!
The only thing I can suggest is routine. Not with the newborn at first obviously but with the older one/s. Suss out what pattern the baby falls in to and work from there. When the child/ren go to school come home get the baby to sleep :pray: then try to catch an hour yourself. If family friends offer to lend a hand, accept it - and get out of doing the housework/dishes etc :wink:

At the mo I get the kids ready for school, packed lunch/fruit etc is done the night before. Then I get dressed then little un if I have the time (i've taken him with me in his pj's before now lol) My hair is rarely brushed in the morning when I do the school run but you know what? Tuff and I don't care it'll get brushed when I get back from the school run and half the time to do it :rotfl:
d! i dont think i got outa bed till 12 with charl lol.. especially in the 1st 3 weeks..she fed at 6.. n i went bk to bed lol..
Women have the amazing abillity to just get on with it. We adapt so easy because we have to we dont have a choice.

I too worry about what will happen when joshua is here. I am tired alot of the time now and if I dont get my sleep im a groggy cow. I was with Leah but when she came I didnt care that I got no sleep. It was only till she started sleeping and then stopped becasue of teething that it really bothered me as I was use to sleeping if you get me.
i was worried bout this when i was pregnant b4,bout how i'd cope with 2 n the fact i was so tired but when he came along i just did cope n everything sort of fell into place n u manage n get into a routine without even trying sort of thing. this is my 3rd n i hope it will b the dont worry girls,all will b ok! :hug:
im more worried about Alana getting jealous of baby :? Were planning to really involve her and she loves socialising, but i still worry how she will react.

Plus shes hitting the terribles 2's and being really naughty and cheeky, just hope she calms down as i know im going to be tired etc from baby.
dont worri lisa im sure mam will help you out when you need it and i wont get rid of me when you have it ill be cuddlein it when ever i get the chance :rotfl: xx

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