how do i book an antenatal appointment?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Ok so my midwife, when i saw her in august, she gave me a list of dates when i will need to get things done. I m due an antenatal appointment just before xmas , I didnt have the 16 week one as i was away from home but i will be home for the 22 week one.

Ive tried calling my midwife for the past 4 weeks but her phone is off , ive tried texting and leaving messages but no reply

ive tried calling the surgery who has said the midwife is only in the surgery on wednesdays so i need to make an appointment with her to speak to her (not possible as i am out of the area)

she has said alternatively pop into the antenatal clinic at the hospital (also not possible as i am not in the area.)

its really stressing me out as im trying to get this appointment booked in in between all my travelling about and my wedding and seeing as i havent seen a midwife since august i dont want to miss the 22 week antenatal appointment too!!

Ive tried calling the hospital direct but as i have no hospital number and they have no notes im not getting anywhere

i feel like theyre really not interested in helping me arrange this appointment as im out of the area its my own fault for not being there to drop in .

I thought you were supposed to be able to call your midwife for any questions or reassurance?
xmas is still ages away yet.. personally if its bothering you that much go out of your way and call at the clinic on a wednesday.
That's so crap. I feel bad for you that it's being made this difficult for you.

My MW called me at around 9 weeks to make my first AN appointment which was at around 17 weeks.

I can only suggest calling the surgery and telling them that you CANNOT get in touch with the MW and that you NEED her to call you ASAP as you're due an appointment any time now.

If they won't help, call your mat unit and tell them and see what they say.

Good luck xx
i tried calling the maternity unit all yesterday and the phone just rang and rang and rang!!! I'll keep trying but unless they have my notes (which they dont) i have a strong feeling i will be passed back to my surgery and missing-in-action midwife!!
I got my antenatal care shifted from my surgery to the hospital last time. If I were you I'd just go to the hospital and ask them if you can have your care there and they will send for your notes from the surgery. They are always much better at hospital, plus if you need anything, you are already there.
You could aslo try ringing the main hospital number and asking to be put through to maternity. There is always someone there who will tell you the best time to ring antenatal because thats usually in sessions.

Good luck. :hug:
I am due to see my midwife at 25 weeks and don't have an appointment yet - she can't do appointments until she knows what shifts she is working. If this is the same for you I wouldn't worry too much, also I have my own notes (the paper copy) so if you have those you should be able to see any midwife in any area.
If you know you can make an appointment on a Wednesday to see the Midwife, can't you just book up in advance when you are due for an appointment? You say you are back in the area for your 22 week check, so get booked in now and then you know its sorted.

You say you have tried to call your MW, is there something specific you need to ask her? If its just to clarify how you will receive your care then I would just wait until you see her face to face for your 22 week appointment, then you have her undivided attention and she can answer any questions. Any concerns in the meantime you can always call NHS Direct or your local surgery.

I know it must be difficult as you work away so much, but to be honest if your not able to make the appointments then there isn't really much the MW can do. What would be the ideal solution for you? Would having your care transferrred to the hospital make any difference as surely you would struggle to get there too?

I know all Doctor surgeries offer care to 'temporary' patients, so perhaps if you are due a check up you could ask your local surgery to where you're working if you can see the MW there? You will have your own notes so it shouldn't be a problem.
no, i cant see the midwife on a wednesday!! Im several hours drive away from home. Thats the whole point of booking it in now when i know i will be home for a 3 day window in december.

Im not complaining about the appointments ive missed and im not asking to have them made up. I just want to book and confirm this ONE appointment that i know i will be able to make.

I have no notes!!! Ive not seen any antenatal clinic to have any notes!!!

just for the record i have had different concerns that i have wanted to ask my midwife about over the past month or so, including, vaccinations for my upcoming honeymoon, how important is the 16 week check do i need to arrange one away from home, should i be concerned i am losing weight still, can i book a 22 week check for when im home, can i get a form to enable me to have dental care as my gums are bleeding like crazy.....all of the answers i have had to get from here rather than from the source given to help answer my concerns

forget i said anything!!!!!!!! :cry:
Oh dear, didn't mean to upset you, I can see it must be frustrating for you. :hug:

Hope you get it sorted out soon - phone your surgery and give them what for!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Can you not phone the midwife on a wednesday, i book my next appointment at each appointment so i never need to worry about not getting hold of them.
aww hun im sorry i dont have any advice for you
just thought you need one of these :hug:
i cant belive you have been left like this without any notes its not good at all
i would just try ringing your doctors again
manda xx
deep breaths gymbabeliz :hug: i can see how this must be really frustrating for you, but it aint the fault of any of the lovelies here who are just trying to help... :hug:

i can only suggest, that if your calls on a wednesday are failing, you book in to see your local gp (am presuming you have someone whilst you're away from home) and express your concerns there - they will surely be able to advise you on your innoculations and weight loss? you can also get the free prescriptions form from them too (i just picked mine up from reception as it didn't come with my bounty pack like it was supposed to - just send it to the address on the form).

i think you're just going to have to persevere with your gp and the maternity unit at the hospital. you could try contacting PALS at your local health authority and see if they can help - its the sort of thing they're there for...?


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