How common is it for...


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
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the sperm to fertilize the egg, but not implant into the uterus? What are the statistics? I was thinking that maybe my egg could be fertilizing, but not implanting, because I don't think my uterus will be thick enough for it to implant untill I have been off the pill a couple of more months and my periods get heavier. Last time I came off the pill, it took about 6 cycles before my periods became heavy like they were before I ever went on the pill. So do you think I will have more of a chance conceiving after I've gone through about 6 cycles and my periods become heavy again?
Some woman conceive straight after coming off the pill before a period even comes for others it can be months everyone is different. When I came off the pill it took 9 months for my periods to became regular. The best thing to do is relax and try not to think about ttc easier said then done I know :)
I came off the pill and fell pregnant within 2 months. I went back on the pill for 7 years, came off it and i have been TTC for 16 months now (unprotected but not TTC for 6 months more). Theres no telling. There is a small chance the egg will fertilise but not implant and it just depends on basically... well... whether it does or not! You have no control over it no more than anyone else does.
I've read somewhere that 50% of fertilised eggs don't implant because there is some deficiency in the egg so your body naturally rejects it. This is the same with all women and it's nothing to do with the individual it's just your body's way of ensuring the right fertilised egg plants....

Good luck honey
Thanks guys. So if it doesn't implant, it's more likely because the egg isn't right rather than the uterus wall not being right?
Cori you should buy Zita West's book, a guide to getting pregnant - or something like that. I bought it when we first started TTC and found it really useful for answering all my questions
ejjie said:
Cori you should buy Zita West's book, a guide to getting pregnant - or something like that. I bought it when we first started TTC and found it really useful for answering all my questions

Totally agree it is so useful
People get pregnant on the pill so wouldn't worry about it too much.

Just do what my siggy says and have fun :cheer:
The most common reason for an egg not to implant is usually because there is something wrong with the egg (as others have said), or there is something wrong with the sperm that fertilised it!

Quite a few of us have fallen pregnant very quickly after coming off the pill, so as long as you are having a period and ovulating regularly then there should be no reason why you cannot get pregnant........its a case of getting the timing right, which can be difficult when first coming off the pill!

The stats do say:

Only twenty five percent of couples who are actively trying to have a baby will conceive during the first cycle.
Sixty percent of couples fall pregnant within the first six month of attempting to conceive.
Seventy five percent of couples will conceive a child within the nine months of trying to fall pregnant.
Ninety percent of couples who wish to conceive will do so within eighteen months.

I am sure it will happen, give it some time and try to stop stressing :D

All that said we are all different

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