how can I stop ppl at work from stealing my milk?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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It does my head in. there are only 10 people who work in my office and out of that 6 people bring in their own milk for tea and breakfasts etc... One doesnt drink hot drinks so there are 3 culprits who openly use milk out of the fridge. It is so annoying, more than annoying! One of the other women is going to put laxatives in the milk but I really dont want to be in on that, just want to know that when I buy some milk its gonna be there the next day :evil: We dont have a tea fund for the same reason, they just used the milk everyone else has paid for. I was thinking about buying goats milk but im sure that wont put them off. I also though about food colouring to make the mlk look gone off but it will prob be chucked in the bin. Even the manager has brought the issue up in team meetings but it falls up on deaf ears. We have tried putting our manes on the bottles and drawing lines at the level of the milk but it has never worked. I want to do something that is not devious.

I know it sounds trivial but when it happens day in, day out it really started to p*ss you off :evil: Any suggestions :think:
oh how annoying for you, Id be livid! Maybe you could bring it in daily in a flask that keeps it nice and cold for you? Or bring in marvel and make it up as you go along, as it is dried.I know its not the same but whats the answer? Maybe try putting your milk into a coloured bottle so that nobody knows what is in it, like a container from millets with a lock on it!! Sounds drastic but they should get the message. Stealing gits!
Send an email round the office asking if anyone knows where the breast milk you expressed at lunch time went as you need it for your little one for that eve. Say it should have been easy to spot it had your name on it :rotfl: I did exactly this and now noone steals my milk. I even started putting my cows milk in an avent bottle for authenticity!
kellysomer said:
Send an email round the office asking if anyone knows where the breast milk you expressed at lunch time went as you need it for your little one for that eve. Say it should have been easy to spot it had your name on it :rotfl: I did exactly this and now noone steals my milk. I even started putting my cows milk in an avent bottle for authenticity!

Thats brill try that :rotfl:
I think I work in the same office as you!!! It absolutely drives me mental. I could take a pint of milk in have 3 brews and suddenly the lot had gone....well not anymore I tell you! :talkhand:

I put it in a plastic bottle and a label on saying "Breast Milk - Beware" Then I sent an email round saying that I had expressed BM for the babysitter who was looking after Evie that night.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
It worked!

I have also labelled one with "This is not milk"

And I also did a "contains arsenic" one as well
Slinky Sarah said:
take powdered milk and keepo it in your desk/locker?

ewwwwwwwww. Sarah!!! Thats minging. :rotfl: :rotfl:

How about bringing it in a container and writing expressed breastmilk on it.

It happens in our office too. Its just theft and I cannot fatholm why people cant either ask or bring their own. I would go without rather than talk someones milk. Manners??
It used to happen to me too (before mat leave!) It's so annoying, me and my friend used to take it in turns to bring milk in and it would often go missing. We sent an email round saying that we'd noticed some people had been sharing the milk and that they needn't be too shy to ask to join in our milk round, just to let us know when they were going to bring the milk so we wouldn't have to bother!

The stealing didn't stop completely but it def didn't happen as often!!
I've seen in some shops you can buy those little pots of milk, you know those things that they have in restaurants. Then you can keep it with you.
i was just going to suggest saying that its breastmilk too lol
pilkers said:
I think I work in the same office as you!!! It absolutely drives me mental. I could take a pint of milk in have 3 brews and suddenly the lot had gone....well not anymore I tell you! :talkhand:

I put it in a plastic bottle and a label on saying "Breast Milk - Beware" Then I sent an email round saying that I had expressed BM for the babysitter who was looking after Evie that night.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
It worked!

I have also labelled one with "This is not milk"

And I also did a "contains arsenic" one as well

They are all fab :lol:

No suggestions from me :lol: I don't like milk
Years ago a girl I worked with got so fed up of people stealing her milk that she got some kind of device that she put in the lid and when someone opened it it went 'mooooo' really loud. She caught who was using her milk and no-one touched it again :lol: Dont know what it was called though :think:
Snuggle said:
Years ago a girl I worked with got so fed up of people stealing her milk that she got some kind of device that she put in the lid and when someone opened it it went 'mooooo' really loud. She caught who was using her milk and no-one touched it again :lol: Dont know what it was called though :think:

That is brilliant!!! Im gonna search for one.

Thanks for your other ideas ladies. I would use the breast milk one but they all know I dont BF and I dont think they'd buy it if I claimed I suddenly started relactated at 15 months :lol:
luckily i dont drink milk, at my work its my coffee :evil:

love the suggestions ladies especially the EBM hahaah :D
It used to happen with my dad and butter... my dad being my dad, mixed some bleach into the tub... wrote contains bleach on the lid and people still stole it.. subesquently 3 people ended up being off with stomach upsets... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: My dad is evil incarnate. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: but his butter never got touched again... :think:
I'm so glad I don't do hot drinks, although somehow there is some sort of tea club I think. The milk in the fridge always smells wrong anyway so I think I would buy my own regardless of the tea fund but expect it to disappear.
Are there any other fridges in your building.. x
Edit I just remembered all my work lot drink the red milk, uber watery skimmed milk, so even if I bought in blue full fat they wouldn't drink it anyway... :rotfl:
Send an email round saying you peed in the milk, send it to everyone and then see who sprays the monitor! :rotfl:

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