How can I reduce swelling?


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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My hands are really swollen. I cant even get my engagement ring on my little finger anymore. My feet are so swollen that I can barely even get my trainers on which are a size too big. If i press my ankles it leaves a dent in my skin for about 10 minutes. I saw my midwife on a few days ago and mentioned it to her but she didnt really seem bothered. Shes not my normal midwife and she seems a bit dippy to be honest. She never answers my questions. Is there anyway I can help bring the swelling down. Ive tried resting with my legs lifted and putting cold water on them but they seem to be getting worse. I went out today and I felt like my feet were going to explode. Should I see my GP?
If it's still bad tomorrow then i'd go see your doc or midwife, or give them a call. It's probably nothing to worry about but it's always worth checking!
All i know is that elevation can help but that's about it! I know how you feel on the ring front, i've had to put my wedding ring on a chain and wear it round my neck as my fingers are too swollen!

:hug: :hug:
I feel sad not wearing my ring. Ive noticed I get alot more evil looks now Im not wearing it lol. :hug: :hug:
Lol. I feel strange without mine, can you put yours on a chain? Might make you feel better about it if nothing else! Me and my OH only got married in December and i haven't been wearing my ring long!
I'll ask my Mom tomorrow if she has a chain I can borrow. Im so worried its going to be lost, even though its safe a locked box in my room.
Rachel21 said:
I feel sad not wearing my ring. Ive noticed I get alot more evil looks now Im not wearing it lol. :hug: :hug:

Lol, i know what you mean. I had to cut my rings off when i was pregnant with beth :cry: so ive taken mine off this time to be on the safe side. I can see people look at my bump, then Beth, then realise that i might be unmarried! :shock: silly gits :rotfl:
Id see your GP hun if the midwives are crap. My hands are very swollen and I havent found anything to cure them yet but as for feet I can only wear flipflops most days and I found a pair of FCUK boots that actually fit the other day but thats it. I sit with my feet raised higher than my heart when they get bad and I know that exploding feeling :? you just have to rest alot!
hope they get better soon
:hug: :hug: Im gonna give my gp a call in the morning. I should see him anyway as the lump on my neck keeps bleeding lots.
I had severe swelling towards the end of my pregnancy, u may have seen the pics of my feet they were gross!! :lol:

Elavate ur feet higher than ur heart, I used to sit on sofa with feet on a pile of cushions, cool water helps the itching/burning and pain killers help the pain. Im afraid i didnt find anything to take down the swelling, they went worse after having Ellie then within about 2 weeks they were back to normal. Wear loose socks, loose shoes and try to keep the weight off as much as possible :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Happy chick's advice is grand... i have the same hun, severe swelling and like HC said, elevate feet higher than heart etc.
Also i find foot massage really breaks down the fluids... i'm having an hour of reflexology later and that REALLY helps!!! :hug: :hug:
I also read in loads of books that you should drink lots of fluids - I know it sounds odd and I don't know the reason(maybe someone cleverer can enlighten me) but drinking lots of fluids helps swelling too.

Hope you're not too uncomfortable. :hug:
I'm just so fed up. Ive been getting really bad cramp and back ache for the last week. I couldnt even use my mobile phone this morning my fingers were so swollen and stiff. I want her out now! :hug: :hug:

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