How can I get bubs to move?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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some days I dont feel her move & it stresses me, is there anything I can do that might make her wriggle just to reassure me? x
Ice cold drink? have you got a doppler? I usually find you can hear the movment and kicks even though you can't feel them. It depends on how baby is lying, at one stage my baby was lying with her spine against my stomach so the kicks were directed inwards, so you don't feel them, but when u use the doppler you can hear how active they are :LOL:
First time i felt it i had done 2 huge sneezes, after it stopped i was gutted so i was running round my room running my finger on top of my wardrobe etc to find dust to make myself sneeze again! Weird arent i!? Apart from that a bath seems to get mine moving! xxx
lol making yourself sneeze!!! I do have a doppler but what do the kicks sound like? I can never find her heartbeat with the doppler as she seems to lie very curled up with her legs over her head lol x
I usually have a bit of chocolate or a full fat coke, it wakes her up for a good hour (then I wish she would bloody stop kicking me!)
Cold water used to set mine off when I wasn't feeling that often. And/or something sugary.
in the early days i just had to lie on my back ( with pillows) and bean would move instantly. now it is having a ice cold drink or my daughter talking to my bump xxx
sugar my doc told me haha! like some cke or lucozade send s baby hyper and then get in the bath haha~! xx
cold drink did it for me too - that and being in the car. Guess it was the movement stirred things up a bit!

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