How are your partners coping now


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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I was just wondering how your partners are behaving, have they accepted you being pregnant, do they ask you about the babys development or look it up themselves, do they treat you nicely all the time and make lots of allowences for hormones etc. Do they tell you that you look nice because they know its difficult to see your body change?

Now I may be expecting too much but I think my DH could make a bit more of an effort to be honest and I was just wondering you are getting on with yours. We are fighting a lot, and I think it is so sad because we are so lucky to be going through something so wonderful.
tbh... i can say he could do this or do that more.. but thats just being picky, hes been great..he says u look nice.. or omg.. look at our belly its really round and pregnant (yesterday - made me laugh) he always asks.. u want anything.. want a cuppa. anything i sak he does right away.. always puts charlotte in and out of the bath coz shes really heavy! i gotta be honest.. hes amazing.. and im so lucky to have him.. im so in love with him too..(u want a sick bucket now? lol) tbh.. how he loves me and charlotte (who isnt his biological child), so much has completly amazed me..
I'm very lucky too. In the whole first trimester my DH has been up at the crack of dawn fetching me hot drinks and toast to curb the dreaded MS. He's been over the moon since Day 1 and has been caught window shopping for baby stuff alone on his lunch break! On top of that he rubs creams into my belly every night and Immac's my legs twice a week LOL Can't believe how lucky I am to have such a patient and caring servant.. er.. husband. :D
Well I have to say that hubby could do a lot more. He seems to have returned to his normal lazy self this last few weeks.

He enjoys the shopping for baby bit, but when it comes to preparing the house and organising things, along with general housework.........forget it. It will get done tomorrow is his usual reply. (tomorrow never comes)

I have to tell him about what stage baby is at development wise as he never asks. I've also noticed that I can still do all the usual things in the house, but when someone's visiting he makes out that he never stops running about after me.

Maybe I am being a bit too picky, but it is starting to annoy me and have started wondering how much he will actually do when baby arrives. xxx
I couldnt ask for anything more from my OH he's been fantastic and Im so lucky to have him! :)

He does ALL the cleaning and tidying (apart from the washing lol), does any jobs that need doing around the house, takes me shopping for baby stuff & enjoys it :shock:, buys me little prezzies to cheer me up when im feeling down & plenty of love and cuddles!
He's also taken a great interest in reading whats happening to me and how baby is developing which I think is really sweet :D
My husband has gone into denial mode.... He'll say why are you getting so worked up over when I dropped the milk the other day and started crying because we had no more cold milk left (honestly it felt really important at the time) :? :? :?

Little comments about me being lazy when I get up late or just can't face cleaning the flat as it's four beds, filthy with moving stuff, and its about 40degrees in the rooms that don't have aircon...

He says he's joking but they kinda get to me.

Plus complete denial about the baby....I keep mentioning baby names (we haven't got round to it yet) and he says we have plenty of time :shock: and doesn't want to discuss it now.

Maybe he'll get better when I am bigger and he can really feel the baby moving...I just look fat atm :rotfl:
I think I'm one incredibly lucky OH has been absolutely fantastic. When I was ill with bad MS he did everything...from cooking to cleaning to washing and ironing...and he still does everyday.

When I get home from work I'm still totally knackered so I get on the sofa with my little duvet and he gets me anything I need.

He talks to the bump every night...kisses me and the bump whenever he leaves. He comes to every midwife appt, scan, docs appt etc. He shaves my legs for me. Rubs cream on my bump every night...

I didn't actually realise how much he does for me until I read this thread and thought about it!
Well we had a long chat and things are much better. He explained it just doesnt feel real for him yet. So now he is really trying and keeps patting my bump :roll: , but bless him at least he is trying. I think I was being a bit hormonal and grumpy and stopped seeing the nice things he does do.

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