How are you all feeling?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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:wave: i was just wondering if anyone has had a 12 weeks scan and is waiting to have they 20 week scan?

if so how are you feeling?? :think:

I feel fine actually. Sometimes a bit emotional but I have alot to think about at the moment as I'm sure we all do!

Are you feeling OK neeko_1?
i'm feeling fine :D but i just want my next scan to come.... :pray:

it's such along wait to find out if everything is okay :wall: and to see your baby again on sreen.. so i was asking how did people feel about waitinafter their 1st???

Hello :wave:

Think you probably haven't had many replies as a lot of us have already passed our 20 week scan... :think:

However, yes I agree it is a loooong wait!

I had my first scan at 9wk4 days ... I had a second at 13 weeks and 4 days as I had a feew problems but even so going through to 19wks and 5 days was awful!

What you will tend to find though is that the worry MAY die down a little as you may start to feel your lo from around 14 weeks...think 18 weeks is more average but some do find it earlier.

Most of us in tri 2 have gone through the stress stage where you feel not pg anymore so the majority of us have dopplers now :rotfl:

these are fab as although you can't see your lo you can here him/her! :D
Hiya :wave:

I'm in-between scans and just got my scan date today for Jan 6th.

I feel great most of the time, very un=pregnant but luckily i can feel LO a couple of times a day most days. The days where i feel nothing now are the worst.

I'm glad there's xmas coming up to take my mind of it sometimes.
Like I said I have alot of stuff to deal with at the mo, xmas, income tax bill in Jan. not much work on etc. etc.

I am finding that time is going a bit quicker than I'd like to be honest!

The first 10 weeks (well the last 4 of first 10!) dragged for me!

i feel very normal, and so not pregnant! :think: think this is normal though :pray:

had my scan at 12 weeks and now got to wait till 23 weeks for my next one which is the end of jan, so got to wait even longer! :?

i think im starting to feel slight movements which is nice and im glad xmas is coming up as everything seems to go much quicker.

emma we are in the same boat, having to wait til the end of jan :roll:
but it should fly by :)

Well i'm nearly 24 weeks and I feel great :D I look healthy and feel healthy & i'm very very happy 8)
I feel very pregnant fat and puky LOL

I had my ifrst scan at 11+3 and my second scan is on monday i'll be 20+ 6. my biggest stress throught his tri so far has been waiting for downs and spina bifida results, now more concerned if baby is growing enough which will find out on my scan.

Due to high levels of AFP in my blood my 20 week scan has been brought forward to 15th Dec (18 weeks) as there are concerns that the baby may have spina bifida. So obvioously I'm very worried, but i'm a worrier anyway so would probably have been just as worried if the tests had come back normal and had to wait a couple of extra weeks for the normal 20 week scan.

Just read through this and realised it doesn't make perfect sense but I hope you get the idea!!!!

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