housing benefit


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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i just phoned my council to stop my housing benefit to avoid any over payment as im moving 1st week of next month and i dont know where im moving too yet, but theyve told me i cant cancel it yet iv gotta wait till a week before and go there and make a statement?! i feel like im doing wrong by not wanting to be over paid, im due a payment next week but it will be an overpayment as iv had my full rent for the time iv been here. is this right? x
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Can't bloody win with our shit system can you?!?!! Grrr!! Lol x
Well im trying to get out of the system because i have a fraud case open against me so im worrying im doing things wrong and i havent, its such a confusing system aswell as 1 part says 1 thing and another another thing. x
From what I gather, they pay you in ariers (sp???) so you'll be paid for a month even after you've left the property so it should be fine to cancel it a week before you leave, as then it gives them a month to get it sorted.

Ive got to do all the applying for it soon and Im dreading it. :shock:
well they pay me 4weeks in arrears but over the year its ended up that iv had all my payments and the next payment would be for feburary which i wont be entitled to for here as i wont be living here. its ok when your on it but trying to come off it seems to be the big issue :/ x
Pain in the butt isn't it....

I always Email my changes so I have written proof, with time and date on it, and they have to send an automated 'received' message as well as confirm in writing within a week!

Good luck hun

turns out i wasnt overpaid lol, i cancelled my claim today and she said i wasnt overpaid :) x

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